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Similar approach that in []. There is a great deal of
coherence between any pair of consecutive images ( few
rendering parameters change).
They save the coordinates of the first non-transparent voxel
encountered by the ray emitted at each pixel. The save it in
the ``C-Buffer''( See figure
The change in position, color, or intensity of a light source
is accelerated directly for the data set.
Rotation of the world space implies the C-Buffer[i,j] coordinates are transform to
Figure: 2D illustration of the passage of rays through the
grid when employing space-leaping
Then we have two cases:
- Empty spaces just trace a ray again.
- More than one sample per pixel.
- Z-buffer doesn't work. This approach
fails due to discretization artifacts. Some different objects
can be mapped to the same coordinates.
- Solution to the previous they use the approach of [].
- Solution to the previous splatting approach.
- The rays that hit no object have
background and no value in the C-Buffer. Bounding Boxes or
their solution the back-faces are objects (They must be
removed when they become a front face).
Difference between [] and []:
- [] have image degradation can only
support first opaque ray traversal.
- [] no image degradation and
independent of the image composition.
- [] just rotation.
- [] enables rotation and change in the
shading parameters.
Lukas Mroz
Tue Feb 9 12:46:24 MET 1999