Outline for the presentation at the 1st double meeting 13/01/1999

The increasingly popular of the Internet has made 'information anywhere' possible but has also become the main driving force for evolution design of a new generation of visualization system architecture. We have gathered some key ideas extracted from previous research papers to facilitate our work for the BandViz project and to gain more insight into the development of visualization systems in particular those systems which are developed to cater for Internet-based applications.

This talk consists of two parts:

Part 1 will talk about the various approaches for dealing with bandwidth and computational constraints (the environment).


Part 2 will investigatesome of the reported techniques attempted for efficiently/effectively Internet-based visualization.

Note: Due tot the availability of literature in the area Internet visualization with particular emphasis on the network bandwidth limitation, this literature review will investigate Visualization over the Internet through two importantly related areas of study, namely QoS over the Bandwidth Constraint and Visualization Techniques. The outcome of this study is to integrated these approaches into a framework of optimising the available but limited network bandwidth while delivering the visualization services to the intended users over the Internet.