AppDelegate Class Reference

App Delegate. More...

#import <AppDelegate.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(IBAction) - importTextFile:
 Imports from a text file.

Protected Attributes

IBOutlet NSTextView * textField
IBOutlet NSWindow * inputWindow
IBOutlet NSWindow * searchWindow
IBOutlet WordCloudViewwordCloudView
IBOutlet WordTreeViewwordTreeView

Detailed Description

App Delegate.

The delegate used for starting the parsing process.

Member Function Documentation

- (IBAction) importTextFile: (id)  sender  

Imports from a text file.

Displays an open file dialog and lets the user choose a text file. Writes its content to textfield. Calls displayWordCloud:

Member Data Documentation

- (IBOutlet NSWindow*) inputWindow [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSWindow*) searchWindow [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSTextView*) textField [protected]

- (IBOutlet WordCloudView*) wordCloudView [protected]

- (IBOutlet WordTreeView*) wordTreeView [protected]

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Generated on Wed Jun 3 00:27:59 2009 for Word Tree by  doxygen 1.5.9