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Clv.Viewer.Grid Class Reference

Tesselated squared regular 2d grid. More...

Inheritance diagram for Clv.Viewer.Grid:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Grid (float size, short tesselation)
 Creates a squared regular grid of certain world size and with a specific tesselation count;
 Grid (float size, short tesselation, Vector2 offset)
 Creates a squared regular grid of certain world size and with a specific tesselation count;
void Split (SplitPlane2 plane)
 Computes a split version of the present grid by splitting it against the given SplitPlane.
void DisposeBuffers ()
 Disposes ressources allocated on the graphics card.
ConcreteRenderable GetConcreteRenderable (GraphicsDevice device)
 Either returns the cached concreteRenderable or creates a new one from SplitGrid.


Vertex2[] Vertices [get, set]
 Contains all Vertices
Triangle2[] Triangles [get, set]
 Contains all Triangles
SplitPlane2 LastSplitPlane [get, set]
 The last plane the Grid was split against
IRenderable SplitGrid [get, set]
 Holds the split version of the present grid
Bounds2 Bounds [get, set]
 Specifies the min and max extends of the grid
Matrix Transform [get, set]
 Transformation which is applied before rendering
VertexPositionTexture[] VertexData [get, set]
 Contains VertexData to be uploaded as a vertexbuffer
short[] Indices [get, set]
 Contains index information to be uploaded as an indexbuffer, indexing into the vertexbuffer
- Properties inherited from Clv.Viewer.IRenderable

Detailed Description

Tesselated squared regular 2d grid.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Clv.Viewer.Grid.Grid ( float  size,
short  tesselation 

Creates a squared regular grid of certain world size and with a specific tesselation count;

Clv.Viewer.Grid.Grid ( float  size,
short  tesselation,
Vector2  offset 

Creates a squared regular grid of certain world size and with a specific tesselation count;

Member Function Documentation

void Clv.Viewer.Grid.DisposeBuffers ( )

Disposes ressources allocated on the graphics card.

ConcreteRenderable Clv.Viewer.Grid.GetConcreteRenderable ( GraphicsDevice  device)

Either returns the cached concreteRenderable or creates a new one from SplitGrid.

deviceGraphicsDevice for buffer conversion

Implements Clv.Viewer.IRenderable.

void Clv.Viewer.Grid.Split ( SplitPlane2  plane)

Computes a split version of the present grid by splitting it against the given SplitPlane.

planeSplitPlane to split against

Property Documentation

Bounds2 Clv.Viewer.Grid.Bounds

Specifies the min and max extends of the grid

short [] Clv.Viewer.Grid.Indices

Contains index information to be uploaded as an indexbuffer, indexing into the vertexbuffer

Implements Clv.Viewer.IRenderable.

SplitPlane2 Clv.Viewer.Grid.LastSplitPlane

The last plane the Grid was split against

IRenderable Clv.Viewer.Grid.SplitGrid

Holds the split version of the present grid

Matrix Clv.Viewer.Grid.Transform

Transformation which is applied before rendering

Implements Clv.Viewer.IRenderable.

Triangle2 [] Clv.Viewer.Grid.Triangles

Contains all Triangles

VertexPositionTexture [] Clv.Viewer.Grid.VertexData

Contains VertexData to be uploaded as a vertexbuffer

Implements Clv.Viewer.IRenderable.

Vertex2 [] Clv.Viewer.Grid.Vertices

Contains all Vertices

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