Interface SetManagerProps

Set manager properties

interface SetManagerProps {
    elems: ElemData[];
    setElems: ((elems) => void);
    setGraph: ((graph) => void);
    setSets: ((sets) => void);
    sets: SetData[];


elems: ElemData[]

Array of elements

setElems: ((elems) => void)

Callback function to update the elements in the app

Type declaration

    • (elems): void
    • Callback function to update the elements in the app


      Returns void

Param: elems

new elements

setGraph: ((graph) => void)

Type declaration

    • (graph): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

setSets: ((sets) => void)

Callback function to update the sets in the app

Type declaration

    • (sets): void
    • Callback function to update the sets in the app


      Returns void

Param: sets

new sets

sets: SetData[]

Array of sets

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