of the StreamVisio:
file format of this Stream Flow Visualization Tool is a simple one. The
format stores the geometry in a file with a .gri extention and each timestep
of the set in file with the same basename but with an extention consisting
of the number of the timestep and a .dat extention. The gridfile consists
of a 40 byte ascii header and the (binairy) position data.
The header holds the dimensions
of the set, the additional number of sets, the number of time steps and
the timestep between two timesteps.
This version of StreamVisio
only supports one timestep, so additional timesteps will be ignored during
load time.
The geometry is organized
as a 3D array of positions each consisting of 3 floats (=4 bytes): (px,py,pz).
The data files are organized
equally with the exception that the number of floats depends on the number
of additional datasets.
a data set from a small-endigian machine is expected.
of the StreamVisio:
- StreamVisio - Stream Flow Visualization Tool is highly
user can chose, either to draw an arrow plot or to draw streamlines of
the loaded data.
arrows will be plotted at the specified grid size and with the selected
color. Normally the length of the arrows indicate the strength of the flow
stream, but the length of all the arrows can be normalized by checking
the 'Normalized Vector' - button.
arrows can be inserted in the plot by clicking on the image. The arrow
will be calculated by using the current settings and will be drawn at the
choosen position.
Streamlines will be generated either using the Euler- or the Runge-Kutta
(2nd order) integration algorithm. The step size for the integration mechanism
can be configured by the 'Delta-T' input field. This input field accepts
values from 1 to 20, where 1 is a small and 20 a large step size.
checking the 'Evenly Spaced' - button evenly spaced streamlines will be
generated. For this calculations the 'd_sep' and 'd_test' input field are
used. These fields represent the same named characteristic variables in
the article 'Creating Evenly-Spaced Streamlines of Arbitary Density' by
Bruno Jobard and Wilfrid Lefer.
By checking
the 'Background' - button the drawn background can be modified. Either
the strength of the flow, the pressure or the perpendicular vorticity can
be drawn. If the 'Background' - button is not checked, a black background
will be drawn. The legend under the image shows the color palette used
when drawing the background.
color, which is used to draw the arrows or the streamlines, can be changed
by clicking on the colored rectangle beside the 'Color' - label.
grid size is used when drawing an arrow plot or the normal streamlines
(not evenly spaced). The grid size can be configured from 8 to 128 - the
spin buttons beside, change the grid size by 2^n.