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Histogram Class Reference

#include <Histogram.h>

Inherits GuiComponent.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Histogram ()
 ~Histogram ()
void update (unsigned short *data, unsigned int &size)
void render (int x, int y, int width, int height)
void onLeftMouseClick (int x, int y)
void onMouseDrag (int x, int y)
void getColorByDensity (unsigned short &density, float &red, float &green, float &blue, float &alpha)
bool isInitialised ()
bool removeControlPoint ()

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

This class defines a histogram. The Histrogram shows the density distribution of the voxelData wich had been loaded by the RawReader. Thus we give a pointer to the voxelData array and count therein the occurrence of the density values (in the range of 2^12 = 4096).

Definition at line 33 of file Histogram.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Histogram::Histogram  ) 

The constructor of the Histogram creates the window wich shows the histogram.

Definition at line 18 of file Histogram.cpp.

References grabbedPoint.

Histogram::~Histogram  )  [inline]

The destructor deletes the pointes that are initialised by the contructor.

Definition at line 71 of file Histogram.h.

References grabbedPoint.

Member Function Documentation

void Histogram::getColorByDensity unsigned short &  density,
float &  red,
float &  green,
float &  blue,
float &  alpha

This function takes a specific density and computes the resulting color responding to the histogram attached control points.

density for wich your want to know the color
red component
green component
blue component
alpha component

Definition at line 176 of file Histogram.cpp.

References TxFunction::getLinearInterpolatedColor().

bool Histogram::isInitialised  )  [inline]

Return the flag wether the histogram is initalised

Definition at line 133 of file Histogram.h.

void Histogram::onLeftMouseClick int  x,
int  y

This method is called, when the user hit the histogram at a given position x and y - e.g. when clicked with the mouse. The function determines if: 1. the user clicked on an empty space 2. the user selected an existing controlpoint In the first case, the program will add a new controlpoint at the given position. In the second case the program will ask the user if her wants to delete or change the controlpoint.

x position of the cursor
y position of the cursor

Definition at line 62 of file Histogram.cpp.

References TxFunction::addControlPoint(), OrthographicCamera::getLocalWorldCoordinates(), grabbedPoint, GuiComponent::hit(), and TxFunction::hitTxPoint().

void Histogram::onMouseDrag int  x,
int  y

This method is called, each time the user drag the mouse over the histogram. This usually happens when a controlpoint is moved.

x position of the cursor
y position of the cursor

Definition at line 99 of file Histogram.cpp.

References OrthographicCamera::getLocalWorldCoordinates(), grabbedPoint, GuiComponent::hit(), TxFunction::moveControlPoint(), and TxPoint::rgba.

bool Histogram::removeControlPoint  ) 

Remove the current grabbed point. If the point is NULL, the method returns false and nothing is removed.

Definition at line 202 of file Histogram.cpp.

References grabbedPoint, and TxFunction::removeControlPoint().

void Histogram::render int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height

This function is responsible for the drawing of the histogram. Therefore it takes 4 parameters wich determine the viewport - e.g. where the histogram is drawn and wich size it has. Internal the histogram is always drawn with an orthographic projection.

x position of the histogram
y position of the histogram
width of the histogram
height of the histogram

Definition at line 114 of file Histogram.cpp.

References TxFunction::render(), OrthographicCamera::startCamera(), and OrthographicCamera::stopCamera().

void Histogram::update unsigned short *  data,
unsigned int &  size

This method initialise the frequency of occurrence of the density by reading each densiy value from the given array and adding +1 to the entry occurenceArray[density]. This function should be called each time, a new file is opened

*data a reference to the voxelData of the RawReader
&size the size of the array read

Definition at line 26 of file Histogram.cpp.

References GuiComponent::enable(), and GuiComponent::hide().

Member Data Documentation

TxPoint* Histogram::grabbedPoint

Pointer to the slected TxPoint.

Definition at line 60 of file Histogram.h.

Referenced by Histogram(), onLeftMouseClick(), onMouseDrag(), removeControlPoint(), and ~Histogram().

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