RayCaster Class Reference

A ray caster renders an image by casting rays through the data. More...

#include <RayCaster.h>

Inheritance diagram for RayCaster:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for RayCaster:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RayCaster (Data &aData, Gradient &aGradient, Size s=Size(1, 1), Color bgColor=Color(0, 0, 0, 255), RenderMode renderMode=RM_FrontToBack, InterpolationMode interpolationMode=IM_NearestNeighbour)
 ~RayCaster ()
void setViewerPosition (const Vector<> &A, const Vector<> &B, const Vector<> &C)
void setImageSize (const Size &s)
virtual Color getPixelColor (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
 Gets the color of a specified screen pixel.
virtual Size getImageSize () const
 Gets the intrinsic size of the image per the current settings.
virtual void render (unsigned char *buffer)
 Render the image into a provided buffer, in RGBA (native-endian) format.
void setRenderMode (RenderMode newRenderMode)
RenderMode getRenderMode () const
void setInterpolationMode (InterpolationMode newInterpolationMode)
InterpolationMode getInterpolationMode () const
void setBGColor (Color newBGColor)
Color getBGColor () const
void setSampleRate (float newRate)
float getSampleRate () const
void enableLighting ()
void disableLighting ()
bool isLightingEnabled () const
Lightinglighting ()

Protected Member Functions

Color applyTransferFunctions (unsigned short aDataValue, const Vector<> &gradient) const

Private Member Functions

void calcVectors ()
std::auto_ptr< Vector<> > intersectRayWithNearestPlane (const Vector<> &startPos, const Vector<> &direction) const
 Calculates the position where our viewing ray leaves the box of mData (if any).
std::auto_ptr< Vector<> > intersectRayWithFarthestPlane (const Vector<> &startPos, const Vector<> &direction) const
unsigned short getDataAt (float x, float y, float z) const
 Gets the data at the specified float position.
unsigned short getDataTrilinearInterpolated (float x, float y, float z)
Vector getGradientAt (float x, float y, float z) const
Vector getGradientTrilinearInterpolated (float x, float y, float z)
Color getPixelColor_FrontToBack (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
Color getPixelColor_BackToFront (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
void render_FrontToBack (unsigned char *buffer)
void render_BackToFront (unsigned char *buffer)
void compositeBackToFront (Color &dest, const Color &src)
 Composites one color onto another.
void compositeFrontToBack (Color &dest, const Color &src)

Private Attributes

Size mImageSize
Vector mTopLeft
Vector mTopRight
Vector mLowerRight
Vector mViewingDirection
Vector mRightVec
Vector mDownVec
Lighting mLighting
Color mBGColor
RenderMode mRenderMode
InterpolationMode mInterpolationMode
float mSampleRate
bool mEnableLighting
const Vector mMaxDataVector
const Plane mFrontPlane
const Plane mBackPlane
const Plane mTopPlane
const Plane mBottomPlane
const Plane mLeftPlane
const Plane mRightPlane

Detailed Description

A ray caster renders an image by casting rays through the data.

It is constructed using a reference to a data class, which has to outlive the renderer.

The viewing rectangle is specified using three points (A, B, C, as indicated in the ASCII art below). The viewing vector is calculated automatically as the cross product of two vectors of the sides of the rect.

   | .                       *    |
   |      .             *         |
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   |           * M   .            |
   |      *               .       |
   | *                         .  |

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RayCaster::RayCaster Data aData,
Gradient aGradient,
Size  s = Size(1, 1),
Color  bgColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
RenderMode  renderMode = RM_FrontToBack,
InterpolationMode  interpolationMode = IM_NearestNeighbour

RayCaster::~RayCaster  ) 

Member Function Documentation

Color RayCaster::applyTransferFunctions unsigned short  aDataValue,
const Vector<> &  gradient
const [protected]

void RayCaster::calcVectors  )  [private]

void RayCaster::compositeBackToFront Color dest,
const Color src
[inline, private]

Composites one color onto another.

void RayCaster::compositeFrontToBack Color dest,
const Color src
[inline, private]

void RayCaster::disableLighting  ) 

void RayCaster::enableLighting  ) 

Color RayCaster::getBGColor  )  const

unsigned short RayCaster::getDataAt float  x,
float  y,
float  z
const [inline, private]

Gets the data at the specified float position.

unsigned short RayCaster::getDataTrilinearInterpolated float  x,
float  y,
float  z
[inline, private]

Vector RayCaster::getGradientAt float  x,
float  y,
float  z
const [inline, private]

Vector RayCaster::getGradientTrilinearInterpolated float  x,
float  y,
float  z
[inline, private]

Size RayCaster::getImageSize  )  const [virtual]

Gets the intrinsic size of the image per the current settings.

Implements ARender.

InterpolationMode RayCaster::getInterpolationMode  )  const

Color RayCaster::getPixelColor unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y

Gets the color of a specified screen pixel.

Implements ARender.

Color RayCaster::getPixelColor_BackToFront unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y

Color RayCaster::getPixelColor_FrontToBack unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y

RenderMode RayCaster::getRenderMode  )  const

float RayCaster::getSampleRate  )  const

std::auto_ptr< Vector<> > RayCaster::intersectRayWithFarthestPlane const Vector<> &  startPos,
const Vector<> &  direction
const [private]

std::auto_ptr< Vector<> > RayCaster::intersectRayWithNearestPlane const Vector<> &  startPos,
const Vector<> &  direction
const [private]

Calculates the position where our viewing ray leaves the box of mData (if any).

bool RayCaster::isLightingEnabled  )  const

Lighting * RayCaster::lighting  ) 

void RayCaster::render unsigned char *  buffer  )  [virtual]

Render the image into a provided buffer, in RGBA (native-endian) format.

Buffer must be of size getImageSize.width() * getImageSize.height() * 4.

Implements ARender.

void RayCaster::render_BackToFront unsigned char *  buffer  )  [private]

void RayCaster::render_FrontToBack unsigned char *  buffer  )  [private]

void RayCaster::setBGColor Color  newBGColor  ) 

void RayCaster::setImageSize const Size s  ) 

void RayCaster::setInterpolationMode InterpolationMode  newInterpolationMode  ) 

void RayCaster::setRenderMode RenderMode  newRenderMode  ) 

void RayCaster::setSampleRate float  newRate  ) 

void RayCaster::setViewerPosition const Vector<> &  A,
const Vector<> &  B,
const Vector<> &  C

Member Data Documentation

const Plane RayCaster::mBackPlane [private]

Color RayCaster::mBGColor [private]

const Plane RayCaster::mBottomPlane [private]

Data& RayCaster::mData [private]

Vector RayCaster::mDownVec [private]

bool RayCaster::mEnableLighting [private]

const Plane RayCaster::mFrontPlane [private]

Gradient& RayCaster::mGradient [private]

Size RayCaster::mImageSize [private]

InterpolationMode RayCaster::mInterpolationMode [private]

const Plane RayCaster::mLeftPlane [private]

Lighting RayCaster::mLighting [private]

Vector RayCaster::mLowerRight [private]

const Vector RayCaster::mMaxDataVector [private]

RenderMode RayCaster::mRenderMode [private]

const Plane RayCaster::mRightPlane [private]

Vector RayCaster::mRightVec [private]

float RayCaster::mSampleRate [private]

Vector RayCaster::mTopLeft [private]

const Plane RayCaster::mTopPlane [private]

Vector RayCaster::mTopRight [private]

Vector RayCaster::mViewingDirection [private]

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