TransferFktView Class Reference

#import <TransferFktView.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - redraw:
(void) - updateDataPath:
(void) - updateOpacityPath:
(void) - drawRect:
(void) - changeColor:
(void) - drawRGBReferencePointForDensity:andContext:
(void) - drawOpacityReferencePointForDensity:andContext:
(void) - showColorPanel:

Protected Attributes

int dataPathStartsAtY
CGMutablePathRef dataPath
CGMutablePathRef opacityPath
BOOL isMouseDown
int mouseDownInArea
int selectedOpacityReferencePoint
int selectedRGBReferencePoint
int clickedRGBReferencePoint
int clickedRGBPoint
int clickedOpacityPoint
int mouseDraggedOldRGBReferencePoint
unsigned char mouseDraggedOldRGBReferencePointRGBA [4]
int mouseDraggedOldOpacityReferencePoint
float mouseDraggedOldOpacityReferencePointOpacity

Member Function Documentation

- (void) changeColor: (id)  sender  

- (void) drawOpacityReferencePointForDensity: (int)  density
andContext: (CGContextRef)  context

- (void) drawRect: (NSRect)  rect  

- (void) drawRGBReferencePointForDensity: (int)  density
andContext: (CGContextRef)  context

- (void) redraw: (NSNotification *)  note  

- (void) showColorPanel: (NSTimer *)  timer  

- (void) updateDataPath: (NSNotification *)  note  

- (void) updateOpacityPath: (NSNotification *)  note  

Member Data Documentation

- (int) clickedOpacityPoint [protected]

- (int) clickedRGBPoint [protected]

- (int) clickedRGBReferencePoint [protected]

- (Data*) data [protected]

- (CGMutablePathRef) dataPath [protected]

- (int) dataPathStartsAtY [protected]

- (TransferFkt*) fkt [protected]

- (BOOL) isMouseDown [protected]

- (int) mouseDownInArea [protected]

- (int) mouseDraggedOldOpacityReferencePoint [protected]

- (float) mouseDraggedOldOpacityReferencePointOpacity [protected]

- (int) mouseDraggedOldRGBReferencePoint [protected]

- (unsigned char mouseDraggedOldRGBReferencePointRGBA[4]) [protected]

- (CGMutablePathRef) opacityPath [protected]

- (int) selectedOpacityReferencePoint [protected]

- (int) selectedRGBReferencePoint [protected]

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Generated on Wed Dec 7 12:30:37 2005 for Volumizer by  doxygen 1.4.5