
Go to the documentation of this file.
00011 #ifndef __VIEWPLANE__
00012 #define __VIEWPLANE__
00013 #pragma once
00015 #include "vector.h"
00016 #include "globals.h"
00017 #include "volume.h"
00018 #include "ray.h"
00022 class Camera 
00023 {
00024 public:
00025         Camera(void);
00026         ~Camera(void);
00027         Camera(Vector pos, Vector dir);
00028         void    setDimension(int width,int height);   
00029         void    rotate(Vector Center,int x, int y,int z);  
00031         //Color castRay(int screen_x,int screen_y);
00032         /*
00033         QImage  takePicture(RENDERMODE rm);
00034         */
00035         Vector  getWCFromSC(int screen_x, int screen_y);  
00036         Ray             getRayFromSC(int screen_x, int screen_y);  
00037         Vector  getDir(void) {return mDir;};  
00038         Vector  getPos(void) {return mPos;};  
00039         float   getDistance(void);  
00040         int             getHeight(void);
00041         int             getWidth(void);
00042 private:
00043         Vector mPos, mDir, mUpDir, mRightDir, mOrigin;
00044         int iWidth, iHeight;
00045         float step_x,step_y,fDistance;
00046 };
00048 #endif

Generated on Wed Dec 7 14:42:11 2005 for VisUE by  doxygen 1.4.5