Camera Class Reference

#include <Camera.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Camera (Vector pos, Vector dir)
void setDimension (int width, int height)
void rotate (Vector Center, int x, int y, int z)
Vector getWCFromSC (int screen_x, int screen_y)
Ray getRayFromSC (int screen_x, int screen_y)
Vector getDir (void)
Vector getPos (void)
float getDistance (void)
int getHeight (void)
int getWidth (void)

Private Attributes

Vector mPos
Vector mDir
Vector mUpDir
Vector mRightDir
Vector mOrigin
int iWidth
int iHeight
float step_x
float step_y
float fDistance

Detailed Description

This class defines the position and the field of view of the camera for rendering.

Member Function Documentation

float Camera::getDistance void   ) 

returns position of the camera

int Camera::getHeight void   ) 

returns the distance between the camera and the center of the Volume

Vector Camera::getPos void   )  [inline]

returns viewing direction

Ray Camera::getRayFromSC int  screen_x,
int  screen_y

returns the viewing Ray for the given screen-corrdinates

Vector Camera::getWCFromSC int  screen_x,
int  screen_y

returns the worldcoordinates for the given screen-corrdinates

void Camera::rotate Vector  Center,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z

rotates the camera around center by the degrees given for x, y and z

void Camera::setDimension int  width,
int  height

sets resolution

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