fhrt_equi_isoval_fine.c File Reference

Handles Isovalue-Firsthit-rendermode. More...

#include "rendermodes.h"
#include "macros_isoval.h"
#include "macros_equi.h"


#define skymap_lookup(ftmpv, sc_off, zoff)


void fhrt_equi_isoval_fine (rendersurf *rtsurf, uint32_t *voxel, float *ipos, float *ifor, float *iup, float *istr)
 Generate rays to cover the screen.


int pos_x
int pos_y
int pos_z
float ftmpv [4]
float ftmpv_CUBE [4]
float add_x [3]
float add_y [3]
SDL_Surface * sky
uint32_t * sdata

Detailed Description

Handles Isovalue-Firsthit-rendermode.

Binary search is employed in the area of interest to increase accuracy without a big hit on performance.

Function Documentation

void fhrt_equi_isoval_fine rendersurf *  rtsurf,
uint32_t *  voxel,
float *  ipos,
float *  ifor,
float *  iup,
float *  istr

Generate rays to cover the screen.

A ray is generated for every pixel.

rtsurf Pointer to surface to draw to.
voxel Pointer to the 3D dataset.
ipos Pointer to the camera-position.
ifor Pointer to the camera-viewvector.
iup Pointer to the camera-upvector.
istr Pointer to the camera-strafevector.

Generated on Wed Dec 13 08:40:13 2006 for PHDVR - Direct Volume Renderer by  doxygen 1.4.6