PHDVR - Direct Volume Renderer File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
callbacks.cHandle any GTK+ "controls-window" event
callbacks.hAutomatically generated (by Glade) headerfile for GUI-callback functions
cursor.cFunctions to change the appearance of the cursor
cursor.hSome "hand-coded" cursor-images
fhrt_avg_adapt.cHandles AVG-rendermode
fhrt_avg_fine.cHandles AVG-rendermode
fhrt_equi_avg_fine.cHandles AVG-rendermode
fhrt_equi_ics_fine.cHandles ICS-rendermode
fhrt_equi_isoval_fine.cHandles Isovalue-Firsthit-rendermode
fhrt_equi_maxip_fine.cHandles MIP-rendermode
fhrt_equi_rbs_fine.cHandles RBS-rendermode
fhrt_ics_adapt.cHandles ICS-rendermode
fhrt_ics_fine.cHandles ICS-rendermode
fhrt_isoval_adapt.cHandles Isovalue-Firsthit-rendermode
fhrt_isoval_fine.cHandles Isovalue-Firsthit-rendermode
fhrt_maxip_adapt.cHandles MIP-rendermode
fhrt_maxip_fine.cHandles MIP-rendermode
fhrt_noip_adapt.cHandles basic non-lit cuberille-mode(s)
fhrt_noip_fine.cHandles basic non-lit cuberille-mode(s)
fhrt_plane_sphere.cHandles the drawing of planes and spheres
fhrt_rbs_adapt.cHandles RBS-rendermode
fhrt_rbs_fine.cHandles RBS-rendermode
fhrt_shadow.cManages the creation of occlusion-data
GUIManager.c"Entry-point" for GTK+ window creation
macros_equi.hA collection of macros related to equidistant sampling
macros_isoval.hA collection of macros related to several 3D-rendermodes
phdvr.cCreates the render- and control-window and runs the main-loop
rendermodes.hCentral "variable-declaration-place". Most of the global variables through which the modules and/or threads communicate, are declared here. Every "PHDVR-file" includes rendermodes.h
sketch.hFile used to store the sketch-textures
slices.cAll slice-related rendering is handled here
tfunc.cDeal with transfer-function-related exercises
vdataloader.cHandle the loading of data-files

Generated on Wed Dec 13 08:40:13 2006 for PHDVR - Direct Volume Renderer by  doxygen 1.4.6