CChildFrame Class Reference

#include <ChildFrm.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CChildFrame ()
CSplitterWnd * getViewSplitter ()
SliceViewergetSliceViewer ()
VolumeLoadergetVolumeLoader ()
void registerView (XYView *aXYView, XZView *aXZView, YZView *aYZView)
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs)
virtual ~CChildFrame ()
void EnableSliceViewer (bool sv_flag)
void loadData (char const *filename)
afx_msg void OnView3dview ()

Public Attributes

 The slice viewer dialog bar.
bool showGradients
 This holds the volume loader.
bool init_viewport_split_
matrix44 view_matrix_
 The view matrix of the volume.
matrix44 inv_view_matrix_
 The inverse view matrix of the volume.

Protected Member Functions

virtual BOOL OnCreateClient (LPCREATESTRUCT create_struct, CCreateContext *create_context)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT type, int new_width, int new_height)

Protected Attributes

CSplitterWnd viewport_split_
 splitted by such splitter panel.
 This holds the slice creator.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CChildFrame::CChildFrame (  ) 

CChildFrame::~CChildFrame (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void CChildFrame::EnableSliceViewer ( bool  sv_flag  ) 

SliceViewer * CChildFrame::getSliceViewer (  ) 

This returns the slice creator.

Returns the pointer to the slice creator.

CSplitterWnd* CChildFrame::getViewSplitter (  ) 

This returns the viewport splitter window.

Returns splitter window.

VolumeLoader * CChildFrame::getVolumeLoader (  ) 

This returns the volume loader.

Returns the pointer to the volume loader.

void CChildFrame::loadData ( char const *  filename  ) 

This loads the data using the volume loader and creates the slices using the slice creator.

filename This holds the filename of the dataset.

BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient ( LPCREATESTRUCT  create_struct,
CCreateContext *  create_context 
) [protected, virtual]

Called by the framework during the execution of OnCreate.

create_struct A pointer to a Windows 'CREATESTRUCT' structure, defining the initialization parameters passed to the window procedure of an application.
create_context A pointer to a 'CCreateContext' structure containing pointers to the document, the frame window, the view, and the document template.

void CChildFrame::OnSize ( UINT  type,
int  new_width,
int  new_height 
) [protected]

The framework calls this member function after the window's size has changed. Here we adjust the viewport after sizing the window.

type Specifies the type of resizing requested.
new_width Specifies the new width of the client area.
new_height Specifies the new height of the client area. information about the CWnd object being created.

void CChildFrame::OnView3dview (  ) 

BOOL CChildFrame::PreCreateWindow ( CREATESTRUCT &  cs  )  [virtual]

void CChildFrame::registerView ( XYView aXYView,
XZView aXZView,
YZView aYZView 

This registers the views to the dialog.

Member Data Documentation

BlackView* CChildFrame::black_view

bool CChildFrame::init_viewport_split_

matrix44 CChildFrame::inv_view_matrix_

The inverse view matrix of the volume.

OpaqueCubes* CChildFrame::opaque_cubes_

Raycaster* CChildFrame::raycaster_ [protected]

bool CChildFrame::showGradients

SliceDialog* CChildFrame::slice_dialog_

The slice viewer dialog bar.

SliceViewer* CChildFrame::slice_viewer_ [protected]

This holds the slice creator.

matrix44 CChildFrame::view_matrix_

The view matrix of the volume.

CSplitterWnd CChildFrame::viewport_split_ [protected]

splitted by such splitter panel.

This holds the viewport splitter panel. The four views are going to be

VolumeLoader* CChildFrame::volume_loader_

This holds the volume loader.

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Generated on Wed Dec 6 11:27:27 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.7