VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory Class Reference

#include <CommandFactory.h>

Detailed Description

A simple factory class which generates command objects according to a specified item of an enumeration. The methods for creating commands are static, therefor they can be easily generated throughout the project. The generated objects are stored in a static list. To delete them call the method deleteCommands.

Public Types

enum  CommandType {
enum  RenderType {

Static Public Member Functions

static void bindAveragingParameters (QDoubleSpinBox *stepSize, QCheckBox *tf, QCheckBox *gradientTf)
static void bindClippingParameters (QGroupBox *xyBox, QGroupBox *xzBox, QGroupBox *yzBox, QCheckBox *xyNegative, QCheckBox *xzNegative, QCheckBox *yzNegative, QDoubleSpinBox *xyTranslate, QDoubleSpinBox *xzTranslate, QDoubleSpinBox *yzTranslate)
static void bindCompositingParameters (QDoubleSpinBox *stepSize, QCheckBox *tf, QCheckBox *gradientTf, QGroupBox *depthCueing, QDoubleSpinBox *k1, QDoubleSpinBox *k2, QCheckBox *usePhong, QDoubleSpinBox *jitter)
static void bindFirstHitParameters (QDoubleSpinBox *stepSize, QCheckBox *tf, QCheckBox *gradientTf, QSlider *threshold, QCheckBox *usePhong)
static void bindGradientTFWidget (Gui::TFWidget *tf)
static void bindHiResParameters (QSpinBox *w, QSpinBox *h)
static void bindHistogram2d (Gui::Histogram2d *histogram2d)
static void bindLightingParameters (QSlider *ambient, QSlider *diffuse, QSlider *specular, QSlider *shininess, QDoubleSpinBox *xLight, QDoubleSpinBox *yLight, QDoubleSpinBox *zLight)
static void bindMainWindow (Gui::MainWindow *window)
static void bindMipParameters (QDoubleSpinBox *stepSize, QCheckBox *tf, QCheckBox *gradientTf)
static void bindProgressBar (QProgressBar *progress)
static void bindRaycasting (VolumeRendering::Raycasting *raycasting)
static void bindRendering (RenderType type, VolumeRendering::Rendering *rendering)
static void bindRenderWidget (Gui::RenderWidget *widget)
static void bindSlicingParameters (QSlider *ratio, QCheckBox *tf, QSlider *angle, QDoubleSpinBox *x, QDoubleSpinBox *y, QDoubleSpinBox *z)
static void bindTFWidget (Gui::TFWidget *tf)
static void bindVolume (VolumeRendering::VolumeData *data)
static CommandcreateCommand (CommandType t)
static void deleteCommands ()
static CommandgetCommand (CommandType t)

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::CommandType

New commands are defined by an item of this enumeration. For each of these command types only one command object will be generated.

enum VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::RenderType

This enumeration is e.g. used for binding render modes.

Member Function Documentation

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindAveragingParameters ( QDoubleSpinBox *  stepSize,
QCheckBox *  tf,
QCheckBox *  gradientTf 
) [static]

The parameters for editing the render mode averaging

stepSize size of one raycasting step
tf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for density values
gradientTf not used for the render mode avering

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindClippingParameters ( QGroupBox *  xyBox,
QGroupBox *  xzBox,
QGroupBox *  yzBox,
QCheckBox *  xyNegative,
QCheckBox *  xzNegative,
QCheckBox *  yzNegative,
QDoubleSpinBox *  xyTranslate,
QDoubleSpinBox *  xzTranslate,
QDoubleSpinBox *  yzTranslate 
) [static]

The parameters for defining clipping planes

xyBox defines if the xy clipping plane is enabled
xzBox defines if the xz clipping plane is enabled
yzBox defines if the yz clipping plane is enabled
xyNegative defines the direction of clipping of the xy plane
xzNegative defines the direction of clipping of the xz plane
yzNegative defines the direction of clipping of the yz plane
xyTranslate translation of the xy plane
xzTranslate translation of the xz plane
yzTranslate translation of the yz plane

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindCompositingParameters ( QDoubleSpinBox *  stepSize,
QCheckBox *  tf,
QCheckBox *  gradientTf,
QGroupBox *  depthCueing,
QDoubleSpinBox *  k1,
QDoubleSpinBox *  k2,
QCheckBox *  usePhong,
QDoubleSpinBox *  jitter 
) [static]

The parameters for editing the compositing raycasting mode

stepSize size of one raycasting step
tf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for density values
gradientTf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for gradient magnitude values
depthCueing is depth cueing enabled
k1 contains the first value for depth cueing
k2 contains the second value for depth cueing
usePhong is the phong reflection model enabled
jitter defines the multiplier of stochastic jittering offsets

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindFirstHitParameters ( QDoubleSpinBox *  stepSize,
QCheckBox *  tf,
QCheckBox *  gradientTf,
QSlider *  threshold,
QCheckBox *  usePhong 
) [static]

The parameters for editing the first hit raycasting mode

stepSize size of one raycasting step
threshold minimum intensity threshold
tf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for density values
gradientTf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for gradient magnitude values
usePhong is the phong reflection model enabled

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindGradientTFWidget ( Gui::TFWidget tf  )  [static]

The TransferFunction Widget for the gradient needs to be updated at various events, e.g. when loading a new volume.

tf TFWidget provides a gui for editing the transfer function for the gradient

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindHiResParameters ( QSpinBox *  w,
QSpinBox *  h 
) [static]

These editing fields are necessary when a high resolution image is rendered.

w field which defines the width of the high resolution image
h field which defines the height of the high resolution image

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindHistogram2d ( Gui::Histogram2d histogram2d  )  [static]

The OpenGL widget used for displaying the 2d histogram of a volume needs to be updated when a new volume is loaded.

histogram2d widget which displays the 2d histogram (intensity and gradient magnitude)

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindLightingParameters ( QSlider *  ambient,
QSlider *  diffuse,
QSlider *  specular,
QSlider *  shininess,
QDoubleSpinBox *  xLight,
QDoubleSpinBox *  yLight,
QDoubleSpinBox *  zLight 
) [static]

The parameters for changing the lighting conditions and the material properties which are used by several render modes

ambient ambient term of material
diffuse diffuse term of material
specular specular term of material
shininess shininess term of material
xLight x position of light source
yLight y position of light source
zLight z position of light source

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindMainWindow ( Gui::MainWindow window  )  [static]

The MainWindow is e.g. needed for the ExitCommand.

window The main window which is bound to the factory and may be needed by new commands.

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindMipParameters ( QDoubleSpinBox *  stepSize,
QCheckBox *  tf,
QCheckBox *  gradientTf 
) [static]

The parameters for editing the render mode maximum intensity projection

stepSize size of one raycasting step
tf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for density values
gradientTf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function for gradient magnitude values

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindProgressBar ( QProgressBar *  progress  )  [static]

The progress bar is mainly used when a new volume is loaded

progress the progress bar which should be enabled and updated when long operations are done (e.g. loading volume data)

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindRaycasting ( VolumeRendering::Raycasting raycasting  )  [static]

This raycasting object is used by all render modes using raycasting.

raycasting Raycasting object for all raycasting render modes.

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindRendering ( RenderType  type,
VolumeRendering::Rendering rendering 
) [static]

The render modes are e.g. needed for the SetRenderModeCommand.

type render mode of the current render mode
rendering the render mode which is bound to the factory

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindRenderWidget ( Gui::RenderWidget widget  )  [static]

The RenderWidget is e.g. needed for the SetRenderModeCommand.

widget The render widget which is bound to the factory and may be needed by new commands.

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindSlicingParameters ( QSlider *  ratio,
QCheckBox *  tf,
QSlider *  angle,
QDoubleSpinBox *  x,
QDoubleSpinBox *  y,
QDoubleSpinBox *  z 
) [static]

The parameters for editing the slicing render mode including e.g. the plane rotation fields and the checkbox for the transfer function.

ratio slider which sets the ratio of the slicing
angle line edit where the angle is defined
x line edit where the x-value of the rotation axis is defined
y line edit where the y-value of the rotation axis is defined
z line edit where the z-value of the rotation axis is defined
tf the checkbox contains the boolean value for enabling or disabling the tranfer function

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindTFWidget ( Gui::TFWidget tf  )  [static]

The TransferFunction Widget for the intensity needs to be updated at various events, e.g. when loading a new volume.

tf TFWidget provides a gui for editing the transfer function for the intensity

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::bindVolume ( VolumeRendering::VolumeData data  )  [static]

The VolumeData is e.g. needed for the OpenVolumeDataCommand.

data The VolumeData which is bound to the factory and may be needed by new commands.

static Command* VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::createCommand ( CommandType  t  )  [static]

A new command of this type is creates. If already one exists, the old one is deleted. This ensures, that the returned command is equipped with the up-to-date objects.

t The command type defines which command is created
the new command created by this method

static void VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::deleteCommands (  )  [static]

All previously generated commands are deleted.

static Command* VolVis::Commands::CommandFactory::getCommand ( CommandType  t  )  [static]

If already a command of this type exists, it is returned. Otherwise a new command of the passed command type is generated. If no appropriate command is found, the factory chooses the DoNothingCommand.

t enum which defines the type of the new command
the new generated or already existant command.

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Generated on Wed Dec 5 12:27:31 2007 for VolVis by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1