FlowVis Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
FlowVis.Gui.ColorBarEdit the color mapping for a channel
FlowVis.Gui.ColorFormWith this form the tranfer functions can be edited
FlowVis.Data.FlowChannelContains the data stored in one channel of the flow data. Each channel contains one scalar per grid cell
FlowVis.Data.FlowDataContains the data needed for flow visualization. Provides a method for loading the data from a file
FlowVis.Data.FlowGeometryContains the definition of the grid. For each grid cell the real position is stored. This allows the use of an arbitrary structured grid
FlowVis.Gui.MainFormThe application's main form
FlowVis.Streamlines.PointDefines a point with a position and a direction
FlowVis.Rendering.RendererProvides methods for rendering data
FlowVis.Rendering.ShaderManagerHandles shader objects for using cg shaders
FlowVis.Rendering.ShaderObjectContains a vertex and a fragment shader object
FlowVis.Streamlines.StreamlineContains all points of a streamline. Points are stored as normalized points
FlowVis.Streamlines.StreamlineManagerHandles the creation of streamlines. It is possible to create streamlines manually or to use the algorithm for evenly spaced streamlines
FlowVis.Rendering.TextureManagerCreates textures from flowvis data
FlowVis.Data.TransferFunctionA transfer function maps int values to colors. This is done by nodes which define a color for a certain position. The color values between these positions will be interpolated
FlowVis.Data.TreeNodeNode used for the quadtree partioning the geometry grid
FlowVis.Math.Vector2iTwo dimensional vector with integer coordinates
FlowVis.Math.Vector3fVector class for three-dimensional vectors with floating values
FlowVis.Rendering.VertexBufferObjectHandles the setup of a vertex buffer object for the rendering of streamlines

Generated on Mon Jan 21 16:09:36 2008 for FlowVis by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1