Mesh Class Reference

#include <VisMesh.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addPolygon (visPolygon &polygon)
void clip (vector< Plane3f > &clipPlanes)
void clear ()
void draw ()
MeshIterator begin ()

Static Public Member Functions

static MeshIterator end ()


class MeshIterator

Detailed Description

Manages a collection of Polygons.

Member Function Documentation

void Mesh::addPolygon ( visPolygon polygon  ) 

Add a polygon.

MeshIterator Mesh::begin (  )  [inline]

Iterator over all Vertices in the mesh.

void Mesh::clear (  ) 

Empties Mesh.

void Mesh::clip ( vector< Plane3f > &  clipPlanes  ) 

Clip all polygons in place.

clipPlanes The clipping planes.

void Mesh::draw (  ) 

Draws all polygons with polygon.draw().

static MeshIterator Mesh::end (  )  [inline, static]

Last iterator.

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