Renderwindow Class Reference

#include <Renderwindow.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Renderwindow (QWidget *parent=0)
void setData (QString data)
Texture3DgetData ()
void setActSlice (int plane, int pos)
void changeRenderMode (bool volumetric)
void updateTransfer (float *tData)
void setTransfer (unsigned int size, float *transfer)
void triggerLight (bool on)
void triggerNPR (bool on)
void setUpperLight (QColor)
void setLowerLight (QColor)
void updateLightVector (V3f lightVec)
void captureScreen ()

Protected Member Functions

Plane3f calcPlane ()
void initializeGL ()
void resizeGL (int width, int height)
void paintGL ()
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *evt)
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *evt)
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *evt)
void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *evt)
void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *evt)

Detailed Description

This class encapsulates the GL Rendering functionality, and manages the communication between all the modules needed for screen content

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Renderwindow::Renderwindow ( QWidget *  parent = 0  ) 

Constructs a new Volume Rendering Widget

Member Function Documentation

void Renderwindow::captureScreen (  ) 

Captures a screen of the renderers actual content in the file format 'png'

void Renderwindow::changeRenderMode ( bool  volumetric  ) 

Switches between slice rendering (false) and volumetric rendering (true)

Texture3D* Renderwindow::getData (  )  [inline]

Returns the 3D Data the volume renderer is operating on

void Renderwindow::setActSlice ( int  plane,
int  pos 

Sets the actual slice to render, if operating in Slice mode. 'plane' identifies one of the orthogonal planes ( X | Y | Z ), pos tells the renderer which depth it should render at.

void Renderwindow::setData ( QString  data  ) 

Sets the 3D Data the volume renderer is operating on, where 'data' identifies the datas pathname

void Renderwindow::setLowerLight ( QColor  color  ) 

Sets the lower hemispheres light color, for the light shader ( Hemisphere Lighting )

void Renderwindow::setTransfer ( unsigned int  size,
float *  transfer 

Initializes the renderer with a transfer function 'transfer', bounded by it's size 'size'

void Renderwindow::setUpperLight ( QColor  color  ) 

Sets the upper hemispheres light color, for the light shader ( Hemisphere Lighting )

void Renderwindow::triggerLight ( bool  on  )  [inline]

Switches between light shading "Hemisphere Lighting" (true) and "flat" shading (false)

void Renderwindow::triggerNPR ( bool  on  )  [inline]

Switches between non photorealistic shading (true) and light shading (false)

void Renderwindow::updateLightVector ( V3f  lightVec  ) 

Updates the direction pointing to the northpole of the hemisphere, by passing a normalized 3 component vector

void Renderwindow::updateTransfer ( float *  tData  ) 

For a given transfer function 'tData' this function sends the new colormap to the GPU

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