COpenGLControl Class Reference

This class represents the opengl window. More...

#include <OpenGLControl.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void oglCreate (CRect rect, CWnd *parent)
 Creates the OpenGl window.
void oglInitialize (void)
 Initialises OpenGL and everything else.
void setFlowData (FlowData *data)
void resetCamera ()
void loadTransferTexture (Transferfunction *transfer)
void enableAxes (const bool &enable)
const bool & enabledAxes () const
void setScale (const float &scale)
const float & getScale () const
void setSelectedFrame (const unsigned &frame)
const unsigned & getSelectedFrame () const
void enableWireframe (const bool &enable)
const bool & enabledWireframe () const
void enableDatalayer (const bool &enable)
const bool & enabledDatalayer () const
void selectDataLayer (const unsigned &index)
const unsigned & getSelectedDataLayer () const
void enableGlyphs (const bool &enable)
const bool & enabledGlyphs () const
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
afx_msg void OnDraw (CDC *pDC)
afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnMouseHWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)

Public Attributes

UINT_PTR m_unpTimer
bool firstsize

Protected Member Functions

void checkOpenGLCapabilities ()
 Checks for the capabilities of the Graphiccard/OpenGL.
void setupView ()
void setCamera ()
void compileAxes ()
void compileGrid ()
void compilePointGrid (const unsigned &x=0, const unsigned &y=0)
void createFlowTextures ()
void deleteFlowTextures ()
void createDataTextures ()
void deleteDataTextures ()
void createVectorTextures (const unsigned &x=0, const unsigned &y=0)
void deleteVectorTextures ()
void DrawAxe ()
void DrawWireframe ()
void DrawFlow ()
void DrawData ()
void DrawPointSprites ()
void renderVectorTexture (GLuint &texture, const unsigned &x=0, const unsigned &y=0)

Protected Attributes

Tool::CGProgram transfer_fragment
 the transfer fragment program
Tool::CGProgram glyph_vertex
 the transfer fragment program
Tool::CGProgram glyph_fragment
 the transfer fragment program
CGparameter modelViewMatrix


class CVisFlowRendererDlg

Detailed Description

This class represents the opengl window.

It draws everything from the boundingbox to the Volume and pulls the data from the dialogs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated by  doxygen 1.6.2