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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
||oCEMDMatrixControllerControls the EMD-Matrix. Can execute query methods to return a reduced emd Matrix
||\CEMDQueryAn EMD Query
||||oCITreeNodeAn Interface for the KD-Tree Nodes. Represents a Cell
||||oCPointNodeRepresents a Cell that can hold Standard Points
||||oCTreeNodeRepresents a standard Tree Node
||||\CWeightedPointNodeRepresents a node that has been created from a signature cluster centroid and a weight value
||||oCILabPointRepresents an Inteface for a KD-Tree point
||||oCLabPointRepresents a Point in L*a*b* space
||||oCStandardPointRepresents a standard L*a*b* point that can be instanced
||||\CWeightedPointRepresents a weighted point in L*a*b* space
|||\CPointComparerCompares Points based on their splittingPlane Type. Sorts Ascending
|||oCSignatureRepresents an image signature. Contains a List of signature Parts
|||oCSignaturePartRepresents a part of a Signature. Contains the Signature centroid and the weight of the Signature part
|||\CSignaturePartComparerCompares Signatures based on their weight, sorts descending
||\CSignatureExtractorExtracts a L*a*b* signature from an image (given as a byte Array)
||\CNamedBoundaryBoxFlickr class for a boundary Box, including the Geolocation name. For use within the Flickr UI
||\CImageInfoContainerRepresents information about a image
|||oCRussellSolverA Transportation solver that solves the Transportation Problem via Russells Algorithm
|||\CVogelSolverA Transporation Solver that solves the Transportation Problem via Vogels Algorithm
||oCEMDQueryResultRepresents the result of an EMD-Query. Contains the updated Image Positions and the updated EMD-Matrix
||\CMDSControllerContains a reference to a matlab algorithm that can compute Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
|||oCClusteringWorkerClustering worker thread. Clusters an image set and creates signatures
|||\CNavigatorWorkerNavigator worker. Responsible for computing the EMD Distances and the MDS Embedding for the Navigator tab
||oCCanvasObjectControllerControls user navigation on the canvas
||oCImageLayouterResponsible for relayouting images on the navigator canvas
||oCOffsetTimerControls, when the Canvas should reset its navigation arrows to the default color. Also contains the default time for the Positioning and offset animations
||\CQueryEventArgsEvent Arguments for starting a new EMDQuery
|||\CLabColorConverterThis class converts images from the srgb or xyz space into the L*a*b* space or back
||\CWebClientTimeoutCreates a web client that will timeout if the given timeout interval is exceeded
|oCAppInteraction logic for App.xaml
|oCConfigurationConfiguration Window
|oCFlickrSearchWindow for Flickr Search
|oCHelpWindowInteraction logic for HelpWindow.xaml
|oCImageCloudImageCloud. The main window of the Application