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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCVisWpf.AppInteraction logic for App.xaml
oCVisWpf.UI.CanvasObjectControllerControls user navigation on the canvas
oCVisWpf.UI.Workers.ClusteringWorkerClustering worker thread. Clusters an image set and creates signatures
oCVisWpf.ConfigurationConfiguration Window
oCVisWpf.Algorithm.EMDMatrixControllerControls the EMD-Matrix. Can execute query methods to return a reduced emd Matrix
oCVisWpf.Algorithm.EMDQueryAn EMD Query
oCVisWpf.MDS.EMDQueryResultRepresents the result of an EMD-Query. Contains the updated Image Positions and the updated EMD-Matrix
oCVisWpf.FlickrSearchWindow for Flickr Search
oCVisWpf.HelpWindowInteraction logic for HelpWindow.xaml
oCVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.ILabPointRepresents an Inteface for a KD-Tree point
|\CVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.LabPointRepresents a Point in L*a*b* space
| oCVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.StandardPointRepresents a standard L*a*b* point that can be instanced
| \CVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.WeightedPointRepresents a weighted point in L*a*b* space
oCVisWpf.ImageCloudImageCloud. The main window of the Application
oCVisWpf.ImageInfo.ImageInfoContainerRepresents information about a image
oCVisWpf.UI.ImageLayouterResponsible for relayouting images on the navigator canvas
oCVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.ITreeNodeAn Interface for the KD-Tree Nodes. Represents a Cell
|\CVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.TreeNodeRepresents a standard Tree Node
| oCVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.PointNodeRepresents a Cell that can hold Standard Points
| \CVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.WeightedPointNodeRepresents a node that has been created from a signature cluster centroid and a weight value
oCVisWpf.Utils.ColorConversion.LabColorConverterThis class converts images from the srgb or xyz space into the L*a*b* space or back
oCVisWpf.MDS.MDSControllerContains a reference to a matlab algorithm that can compute Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
oCVisWpf.FlickrStuff.NamedBoundaryBoxFlickr class for a boundary Box, including the Geolocation name. For use within the Flickr UI
oCVisWpf.UI.Workers.NavigatorWorkerNavigator worker. Responsible for computing the EMD Distances and the MDS Embedding for the Navigator tab
oCVisWpf.UI.OffsetTimerControls, when the Canvas should reset its navigation arrows to the default color. Also contains the default time for the Positioning and offset animations
oCVisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointComparerCompares Points based on their splittingPlane Type. Sorts Ascending
oCVisWpf.UI.QueryEventArgsEvent Arguments for starting a new EMDQuery
oCVisWpf.Clustering.Signatures.SignatureRepresents an image signature. Contains a List of signature Parts
oCVisWpf.Clustering.SignatureExtractorExtracts a L*a*b* signature from an image (given as a byte Array)
oCVisWpf.Clustering.Signatures.SignaturePartRepresents a part of a Signature. Contains the Signature centroid and the weight of the Signature part
oCVisWpf.Clustering.Signatures.SignaturePartComparerCompares Signatures based on their weight, sorts descending
|oCVisWpf.MDS.Transportation.RussellSolverA Transportation solver that solves the Transportation Problem via Russells Algorithm
|\CVisWpf.MDS.Transportation.VogelSolverA Transporation Solver that solves the Transportation Problem via Vogels Algorithm
\CVisWpf.Utils.WebClientTimeoutCreates a web client that will timeout if the given timeout interval is exceeded