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MyRenderer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MyRenderer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MyRenderer (void)
 ~MyRenderer (void)
virtual void ClearColorBuffer ()=0
virtual void ClearDepthBuffer ()=0
virtual void ClearStencilBuffer ()=0
virtual void ClearAccumBuffer ()=0
virtual void SetClearColor (glm::vec4 color)=0
virtual void SwapBuffer ()=0
virtual void GetErrors ()=0
virtual void SetFrontCulling ()=0
virtual void SetBackCulling ()=0
virtual void EnableBackFaceCulling ()=0
virtual void DisableBackFaceCulling ()=0
void SetUniformsObject ()
void BindShader ()
void SetUniformsGlobal ()
void EnableTextures ()
void DisableTextures ()
void DrawView (View *node)

Public Attributes

bool m_clear_depth_buffer

Protected Member Functions

virtual void EnableTexture (Texture::TexturePtr texture, int i)=0
virtual void DisableTexture (Texture::TexturePtr texture, int i)=0
virtual void DrawVertexGeometry ()=0
virtual void DrawGeometry ()=0
void TraverseSceneGraph (INode *inode, glm::mat4 m)

Protected Attributes

glm::mat4 m_modelMatrix
float m_duration

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MyRenderer::MyRenderer ( void  )


MyRenderer::~MyRenderer ( void  )


Member Function Documentation

void MyRenderer::BindShader ( )

This method binds a shader

virtual void MyRenderer::ClearAccumBuffer ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method clears the accumulation buffer

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::ClearColorBuffer ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method clears the color buffer

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::ClearDepthBuffer ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method clears the depth buffer

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::ClearStencilBuffer ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method clears the stencil buffer

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::DisableBackFaceCulling ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method disables Backfaceculling

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::DisableTexture ( Texture::TexturePtr  texture,
int  i 
inlineprotectedpure virtual

This method disable a texture

textureTexture to enable
iposition in texturestack

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

void MyRenderer::DisableTextures ( )

This methods disables all textures in the view

virtual void MyRenderer::DrawGeometry ( )
protectedpure virtual

This Method draws the object

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::DrawVertexGeometry ( )
protectedpure virtual

This Method draw the geometry object

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

void MyRenderer::DrawView ( View node)

This method draws the view

virtual void MyRenderer::EnableBackFaceCulling ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method enables Backfaceculling

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::EnableTexture ( Texture::TexturePtr  texture,
int  i 
inlineprotectedpure virtual

This method enables a texture

textureTexture to enable
iposition in texturestack

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

void MyRenderer::EnableTextures ( )

This methods enables all textures in the view

virtual void MyRenderer::GetErrors ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method returns the error

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::SetBackCulling ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method sets the culling mode to BACK

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::SetClearColor ( glm::vec4  color)
inlinepure virtual

This method sets the clear color

colorclear color

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

virtual void MyRenderer::SetFrontCulling ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method sets the culling mode to FRONT

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

void MyRenderer::SetUniformsGlobal ( )

This method sets the global uniforms of the shader

void MyRenderer::SetUniformsObject ( )

This method sets the uniforms of the shader

virtual void MyRenderer::SwapBuffer ( )
inlinepure virtual

This method swaps the buffer

Implemented in RendererOpenGL.

void MyRenderer::TraverseSceneGraph ( INode inode,
glm::mat4  m 

This method traverese the scene graph

inodeactual node in the rendering graph
mactual matrix

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