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Mesh Class Reference

#include <Mesh.h>

Public Member Functions

void init (int numVertices, GLfloat *vertices, GLfloat *normals, GLfloat *texCoords, GLenum primitiveMode, bool adjacency=false)
void init (int numVertices, GLfloat *vertices, GLfloat *normals, GLfloat *texCoords, int numIndices, GLuint *indices, GLenum primitiveMode, bool adjacency=false)
void init (const MeshDescriptor &descr)
void setTexture (Texture *texture)
const TexturegetTexture () const
void bindVAO () const
void unbindVAO () const
void draw () const
void drawLines () const
bool hasIndices () const
bool hasNormals () const
bool hasTexCoords () const
bool hasColors () const
int getNumIndices () const
int getNumVertices () const
GLenum getPrimitiveMode () const
const GLfloat * getVertices () const
const GLfloat * getNormals () const
const GLfloat * getTexCoords () const
const GLfloat * getColors () const
const GLuint * getIndices () const
void calculateMinMax (bool overrideCurrent=false)
bool hasMinMax () const
void getMin (float &outX, float &outY, float &outZ) const
void getMax (float &outX, float &outY, float &outZ) const

Detailed Description

Encapsulated GL state of a mesh. Consists of a VAO that stores some or all of the following: vertex positions, normals, texture coordinates, vertex colors and indices.

Member Function Documentation

void Mesh::bindVAO ( ) const

Binds the VAO that describes this mesh to the GL

void Mesh::calculateMinMax ( bool  overrideCurrent = false)

Calculates the minimal axis-aligned bounding box for this mesh.

overrideCurrentif true, the method calculates the AABB anew even if it is already set
void Mesh::draw ( ) const

Issues a draw call to the GL that renders a triangle mesh.

void Mesh::drawLines ( ) const


const Texture * Mesh::getTexture ( ) const


void Mesh::init ( const MeshDescriptor descr)

Generates a VAO that holds the data from descr. Accords to the layout location conventions used in all the shaders throughout this project.

void Mesh::setTexture ( Texture texture)


void Mesh::unbindVAO ( ) const

Unbinds the VAO that describes this mesh to the GL

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