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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCCameraCamera parameters and MVP matrices are calculated
oCCubeGenerates and renders a cube
oCDialogqtQt Dialog to set parameters for video processing from file
oCFrameProcessorFrame processor interface for frame processing
oCGLWidgetQt OpenGL Widget to show OpenGL output within Qt window
oCProgramThis class wrapps an OpenGL shader program
oCRenderingExceptionHandles OpenGL exceptions
oCResourceLoaderThis class loads textures
oCSceneManagerUpdates objetcs and renders the scene
oCShaderWraps an OpenGL Shader
oCVideoManagerHandles video input and process video frames
oCVisualizeVideoQtMain Qt GUI window
oCVolumeDataStores 3D video data for texture setup
\CWebcamqtQt Dialog to set parameters for video processing from webcam