Public Member Functions | List of all members
sx::SXRenderArea Class Referenceabstract

#include <SX.h>

Inheritance diagram for sx::SXRenderArea:
sx::SXWidget sx::SXWindow

Public Member Functions

virtual double getTime () const =0
virtual double getDeltaTime () const =0
virtual int getMouseX () const =0
virtual int getMouseY () const =0
virtual double getMouseDeltaX () const =0
virtual double getMouseDeltaY () const =0
virtual bool hasKey (int key) const =0
virtual bool hasMouseKey (MouseButton key) const =0
virtual int getWidth () const =0
virtual int getHeight () const =0
virtual void stopRendering ()=0
virtual void setMousePointer (int x, int y)=0
virtual void setShowCursor (bool showCursor)=0

Detailed Description

provides access for SXRenderListeners to its render area

Member Function Documentation

virtual double sx::SXRenderArea::getDeltaTime ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the time leapsed since the last frame, which finished processing

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual int sx::SXRenderArea::getHeight ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the height of the render area

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual double sx::SXRenderArea::getMouseDeltaX ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the x coordinate of the difference of the mousepointer shortly before set with setMousePosition and the position set with setMousePosition

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual double sx::SXRenderArea::getMouseDeltaY ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the y coordinate of the difference of the mousepointer shortly before set with setMousePosition and the position set with setMousePosition

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual int sx::SXRenderArea::getMouseX ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the x coordinate of the mouse

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual int sx::SXRenderArea::getMouseY ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the y coordinate of the mouse

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual double sx::SXRenderArea::getTime ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the time elapsed from the creation of the SXRenderArea to the last frame, which started processing

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual int sx::SXRenderArea::getWidth ( ) const
pure virtual

returns the width of the render area

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual bool sx::SXRenderArea::hasKey ( int  key) const
pure virtual

returns true iff key is pressed

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual bool sx::SXRenderArea::hasMouseKey ( MouseButton  key) const
pure virtual

returns true iff mousebutton key is pressed

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual void sx::SXRenderArea::setMousePointer ( int  x,
int  y 
pure virtual

sets the mousepointer to a position relative to the left bottom windowcorner

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual void sx::SXRenderArea::setShowCursor ( bool  showCursor)
pure virtual

sets if the cursor is rendered or not, if its located at the render area

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

virtual void sx::SXRenderArea::stopRendering ( )
pure virtual

makes the renderarea quit rendering

Implemented in sx::SXWindow, and sx::SXWidget.

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