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sx::SXWindow Class Reference

#include <SX.h>

Inheritance diagram for sx::SXWindow:

Public Member Functions

EX SXWindow (const string &name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
EX ~SXWindow ()
EX void removeWindow ()
EX void addRenderListener (SXRenderListener &l)
EX void deleteRenderListener (SXRenderListener &l)
EX void deleteRenderListeners ()
EX double getTime () const
EX double getDeltaTime () const
EX int getMouseX () const
EX int getMouseY () const
EX double getMouseDeltaX () const
EX double getMouseDeltaY () const
EX bool hasKey (int key) const
EX bool hasMouseKey (MouseButton key) const
EX int getWidth () const
EX int getHeight () const
EX void stopRendering ()
EX void setMousePointer (int x, int y)
EX void setShowCursor (bool showCursor)

Static Public Member Functions

static EX void run ()


void windowKeyUp (unsigned char key, int x, int y)
void windowKeyDown (unsigned char key, int x, int y)
void windowSpecialKeyUp (int key, int x, int y)
void windowSpecialKeyDown (int key, int x, int y)
void windowMouseKey (int button, int state, int x, int y)
void windowMouseMotion (int x, int y)
void windowPassiveMotion (int x, int y)
void reshapeAll (int width, int height)
void renderAll ()
void stopAll ()

Detailed Description

A window class temporarily used during building the ShadeX Engine. It's sole purpose serves for implementing and testing the engine's functionality. Future versions will be able to set ab an SX widget offering the functionality for gui frameworks such as Qt.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EX sx::SXWindow::SXWindow ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

Initializes the window with title name and a width and height. Throws an exception Exception, if the window can't be initialized.

EX sx::SXWindow::~SXWindow ( )

Deconstructor of window. Removes all listeners, and the window, if it removeWindow has not been called yet, and removedWindow is false.

Member Function Documentation

EX void sx::SXWindow::addRenderListener ( SXRenderListener l)

Adds a listener. If the window has been removed, the listener is not added, but deleted. The listener is removed, when the window is removed.

EX void sx::SXWindow::deleteRenderListener ( SXRenderListener l)

Removes a listener, if it's part of the window. Otherwise the listener is not removed.

EX void sx::SXWindow::deleteRenderListeners ( )

removes all listeners, if the window has not been removed yet

EX double sx::SXWindow::getDeltaTime ( ) const
EX int sx::SXWindow::getHeight ( ) const
EX double sx::SXWindow::getMouseDeltaX ( ) const
EX double sx::SXWindow::getMouseDeltaY ( ) const
EX int sx::SXWindow::getMouseX ( ) const
EX int sx::SXWindow::getMouseY ( ) const
EX double sx::SXWindow::getTime ( ) const
EX int sx::SXWindow::getWidth ( ) const
EX bool sx::SXWindow::hasKey ( int  key) const
See also

Implements sx::SXRenderArea.

EX bool sx::SXWindow::hasMouseKey ( MouseButton  key) const
See also

Implements sx::SXRenderArea.

EX void sx::SXWindow::removeWindow ( )

removes the window, if it has not been removed yet

static EX void sx::SXWindow::run ( )

Keeps all open windows in idle mode. Only during the execution of run, the windows can feed their listeners with messages. After the execution of run, all windows are removed.

EX void sx::SXWindow::setMousePointer ( int  x,
int  y 
EX void sx::SXWindow::setShowCursor ( bool  showCursor)
EX void sx::SXWindow::stopRendering ( )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

void renderAll ( )

calls listenersRender in all windows

void reshapeAll ( int  width,
int  height 

calls listenersReshape in all windows

void stopAll ( )

calls listenersStop in all windows

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