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Student Volunteer Guidelines
EuroVis is the European melting pot of visualization experience and knowledge. And as a EuroVis Student Volunteer you are a vital part of the most important visualization conference in Europe.
You will get a chance to hear and meet world-class as well as next-generation researchers as this conference brings together the best and brightest within the field of visualization. This is a golden opportunity to build a network of research colleagues.
The student volunteers are crucial to make the EuroVis conference a good experience for the participants. The conference depends on the student volunteers acting as the staff at the various conference events and in lecture rooms. The student volunteer program needs reliable, hard working and enthusiastic students to help us make EuroVis 2012 a memorable event for all attendees.
For more information, contact the EuroVis 2012 Student Volunteers Coordinator Andrej Varchola from Vienna University of Technology
Application Period
The student volunteer application system is open until 18th of March. The first draft of accepted applicants will be notified via email on 25th of March and all other applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
Applicants must be enrolled in a Bachelor, Master, or PhD study program during the 2012 academic year. Selected volunteers will be requested to provide a proof of enrollment.
Selection Guidelines
Every year the conference receives a lot of worthy student volunteer applications, but the number of positions available is limited. The following considerations will influence selections:
- Success as student volunteer at previous conferences
- Preference is given to PhD, then Master, then Bachelor students, though we encourage everyone to apply
- The number of volunteers from each institution/research group may be limited to ensure broad participation
- Languages spoken by the applicants (excellent English is required, some volunteers speaking German will be needed, also)
In exchange for approximately 20-30 hours of work, student volunteers will receive several attractive benefits:
- Free EuroVis registration, including lunches
- Student Volunteer T-Shirt
How to Apply
To apply for volunteering at EuroVis 2012, please fill out this application form