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Camera-Ready Papers
We ask authors of accepted papers to submit their final papers no later than Wednesday, April 11, 2012 through the PCS at
To do so, please go to "submissions in progress". There, you can upload your final submission. Additionally, you may update your supplementary material. Make sure that you provide all required information in PCS.
Additionally, for each paper the authors need to fill in and sign the copyright form (updated 2012-04-02) and send it to Eurographics publishing. This can be done by faxing it to the number on the form or by sending a scan as PDF to
For your camera-ready manuscript submission, please carefully verify that your paper is provided in the correct format. Specifically, please make closely check that your paper adheres to all of the following points:
- Make sure that you use the latest LaTeX template with the correct page headings, etc. Please compare to the sample PDF to verify the correct appearance of your paper. Please note that due to reasons beyond our control, it may happen that the template gets revised once more during the next days. The changes should be only minor and not require substantial effort for you (most probably, you will only have to replace one or two files). Should this indeed happen, we will contact you again and point you to the updated template.
- The type-setting of your paper needs to closely follow the guidelines in the template. You must use the camera-ready format, i.e., with authors and acknowledgments included, etc. (your final version, for example, should not include any page numbers). The template contains two formats and you need to use EGauthorGuidelines-eurovis12-fin.tex (not EGauthorGuidelines-eurovis12-sub.tex) for generating the final version.
- All fonts should be embedded within the final paper PDF (this is a requirement of the publisher).
- Make sure that the images that you include are not downsampled, but in high-resolution (otherwise their reproduction in the printed journal issue will not be high quality) .
- The publisher remarks that it would be good to have the included images in the CMYK color model.
- No paper can have anything else than references on the 10th page (if a 10th page is used at all). This length restriction is absolute and no exception from this rule is possible.