Wilhelm Barth passed away on 31 October, 2021, at the age of 90, after a short, serious illness.

An obituary of Prof. Wilhelm Barth by Prof. Werner Purgathofer.


Theme "Time to Confess"
There will be talks and live Q&A sessions, just like last year.

Twitch-Stream (https://www.twitch.tv/pixelvienna) and Interaction (https://discord.gg/qY432rDb)

Under www.pixelvienna.com you will find timely information about the program and at https://fb.me/e/1r78Ddzc6 you will find the Facebook event to share and
speaker announcements.


Werner Purgathofer, who headed our departement for over 20 years, retired in September 2021. We will miss his social engagement and his oversight. We wish him all the best for the next stage of his life!

From the laudation by Eduard Gröller at the Faculty of Informatics garden party in September 2021:

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor Purgathofer, dear Werner,


Within the EuroVis 2021 conference, which took place virtually from June 14 to 18, the three most outstanding dissertations on the topic of visualization were honored with the EuroVis PhD Award.


For her dissertation, Katharina won the Young Experts Award at the Austrian Computer Science Day 2021.


From October 2021, the Master Visual Computing will be held completely in English! Please see here for details on the curriculum:




Thank you for attending the EUROGRAPHICS 2021 Conference and Thank you all for the many great presentations!

And here you can find the highlights of the conference week https://www.facebook.com/EurographicsC


Online event, May 17 - 21, 2021

Motivation and Concept 


Nanographics, a spin-off of our reseach unit Computer Graphics, supports the creation and visualization of structural models of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. This helps the scientific research and the public education about the disease.

here are a few press clippings:


Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) is the leading journal for in-depth technical articles on computer graphics. The rapid publication of articles allows readers to keep up to date with new debates and topics of research. The journal features a lively mix of original research, computer graphics applications, conference reports, state-of-the-art surveys, and workshops.
