RayCaster.h File Reference

#include "ARender.h"
#include "Vector.h"
#include "Data.h"
#include "Size.h"
#include "Plane.h"
#include "Lighting.h"
#include "Gradient.h"

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class  RayCaster
 A ray caster renders an image by casting rays through the data. More...


enum  RenderMode { RM_FrontToBack, RM_BackToFront }
 The RenderMode affects the order in which the ray get's through the data-space. More...
enum  InterpolationMode { IM_NearestNeighbour, IM_Trilinear }
 The InterpolationMode affects which value is taken when the ray samples through the data-space. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum InterpolationMode

The InterpolationMode affects which value is taken when the ray samples through the data-space.

IM_NearestNeighbour  at each sample the nearest voxel is taken. this produces sharp edges but is much faster than Interpolations
IM_Trilinear  at each sample the value is trilinear interpolated by the 8 voxels forming the vertices of the cell. this produces smooth images but costs a lot performance

enum RenderMode

The RenderMode affects the order in which the ray get's through the data-space.

Choosing between the different Rendermodi does not have a (noticable) effect on the final image, but it does affect performance.

RM_FrontToBack  Color is yielded from front (the image-canvas) to back. stops because all colors behind have no effect. therefore its much faster than BackToFront-Mode.

if the total opacity>=254 the algorithm

RM_BackToFront  Color is yielded by compositing all Ray-Points from back to front.

Generated on Mon Dec 19 00:13:30 2005 for Visualization by  doxygen 1.4.5