GLWidget Class Reference

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#include <glwidget.h>

Collaboration diagram for GLWidget:

List of all members.


struct  Canvas
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struct  Point
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struct  TF_VectorMask

Public Slots

void setXDirection ()
void setYDirection ()
void setZDirection ()
void loadVolume ()
void sliceVolume (int val)
void zoomSlice (int val)
void setMode (int mode)
void updateTFTexture (TF_VectorMask *tf_fuction)
void notifyShaderSlicing (int val)
void setLOD (int val)
void saveImage ()
void setMIP ()
void setLevoy ()


void setFilename (QString name)
void setTF (Volume *vol, float val)

Public Member Functions

 GLWidget (QWidget *parent=0)
 ~GLWidget ()

Protected Types

enum  mode { SLICING = 0, VOLUME_RENDERING }

Protected Member Functions

void initializeGL ()
void paintGL ()
void resizeGL (int width, int height)
void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
int initLibraries ()
bool genTexture ()
const int GetNextPowerOfTwo (const int iNumber)
void draw_axes (float scale)
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
char * readShaderFile (char *FileName)
void initFBO ()
void initShaders ()
void printInfoLog (GLhandleARB obj)
void drawCube (float x, float y, float z)
void drawFrontFBO ()
void drawBackFBO ()
void drawQuad ()

Protected Attributes

struct GLWidget::Canvas canvas
GLuint volTexture
GLuint tfTexture
int drawingMode
int focus
GLfloat viewportRatio
float zoomFactor
float g_fCoordZ
float g_fIncrement
float x_SliceCoord
float y_SliceCoord
float z_SliceCoord
float sliceValue
QPoint lastPos
int xRot
int yRot
int zRot
float * colors
bool shaderSlicing
bool mip
bool levoy
float levelOfDetail
GLhandleARB v
GLhandleARB f
GLhandleARB sliceShader
GLhandleARB volShader
GLhandleARB MIPShader
GLuint FBufferBack
GLuint FBufferFront
GLuint FBOTextureFront
GLuint FBOTextureBack
GLuint FRenderBufferBack
GLuint FRenderBufferFront
GLuint framebuffer
GLuint renderbuffer

Static Protected Attributes

static const int X_FOCUS = 0
static const int Y_FOCUS = 1
static const int Z_FOCUS = 2

Private Attributes

bool volLoaded

Detailed Description


Member Enumeration Documentation

enum GLWidget::mode [protected]


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GLWidget::GLWidget ( QWidget *  parent = 0  ) 

GLWidget::~GLWidget (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void GLWidget::draw_axes ( float  scale  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::drawBackFBO (  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::drawCube ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) [protected]

void GLWidget::drawFrontFBO (  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::drawQuad (  )  [protected]

bool GLWidget::genTexture (  )  [protected]

const int GLWidget::GetNextPowerOfTwo ( const int  iNumber  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::initFBO (  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::initializeGL (  )  [protected]

int GLWidget::initLibraries (  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::initShaders (  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::loadVolume (  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::notifyShaderSlicing ( int  val  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::paintGL (  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::printInfoLog ( GLhandleARB  obj  )  [protected]

char * GLWidget::readShaderFile ( char *  FileName  )  [protected]

void GLWidget::resizeGL ( int  width,
int  height 
) [protected]

void GLWidget::saveImage (  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::setFilename ( QString  name  )  [signal]

void GLWidget::setLevoy (  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::setLOD ( int  val  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::setMIP (  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::setMode ( int  mode  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::setTF ( Volume vol,
float  val 
) [signal]

void GLWidget::setXDirection (  )  [slot]


void GLWidget::setYDirection (  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::setZDirection (  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::sliceVolume ( int  val  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::updateTFTexture ( TF_VectorMask tf_fuction  )  [slot]

void GLWidget::zoomSlice ( int  val  )  [slot]

Member Data Documentation

struct GLWidget::Canvas GLWidget::canvas [protected]



float* GLWidget::colors [protected]

int GLWidget::drawingMode [protected]

GLhandleARB GLWidget::f [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::FBOTextureBack [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::FBOTextureFront [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::FBufferBack [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::FBufferFront [protected]

int GLWidget::focus [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::framebuffer [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::FRenderBufferBack [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::FRenderBufferFront [protected]

float GLWidget::g_fCoordZ [protected]

float GLWidget::g_fIncrement [protected]

QPoint GLWidget::lastPos [protected]

float GLWidget::levelOfDetail [protected]

bool GLWidget::levoy [protected]

bool GLWidget::mip [protected]

GLhandleARB GLWidget::MIPShader [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::renderbuffer [protected]

bool GLWidget::shaderSlicing [protected]

GLhandleARB GLWidget::sliceShader [protected]

float GLWidget::sliceValue [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::tfTexture [protected]

GLhandleARB GLWidget::v [protected]

bool GLWidget::volLoaded [private]

GLhandleARB GLWidget::volShader [protected]

GLuint GLWidget::volTexture [protected]

Volume* GLWidget::volume [protected]

const int GLWidget::X_FOCUS = 0 [static, protected]

float GLWidget::x_SliceCoord [protected]

int GLWidget::xRot [protected]

const int GLWidget::Y_FOCUS = 1 [static, protected]

float GLWidget::y_SliceCoord [protected]

int GLWidget::yRot [protected]

const int GLWidget::Z_FOCUS = 2 [static, protected]

float GLWidget::z_SliceCoord [protected]

float GLWidget::zoomFactor [protected]

int GLWidget::zRot [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Dec 10 14:46:52 2008 for VolumeRender by  doxygen