Renderer Class Reference

#include <Renderer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Renderer ()
 one must not directly instantiate the Renderer, VolumeRendering will provide an instance
 ~Renderer ()
bool loadVolume (const std::string &)
 loads a Volume from the given filename and sets it as active to be rendered
void setTransferFunction (TransferFunction &)
 sets a Transferfunction to be used by the rendering
void setAnimate (bool)
 toggles between animated or still image rendering (animated is default)
void switchRenderMode (int)
 toggles between rendermode: 0 means Slicing-Rendering, 1 means Volume-Rendering
void switchAxis (int)
 selects the axis to be manipulated: 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z
void setAxisCoord (float)
 changes the axis coordinate
void initGL ()
 is being called to initalize the Renderer. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow
void resizeGL (int, int)
 is being called to to resize the Viewport. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow
void paintGL ()
 is being called regulary to keep up the Rendering-Loop. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow
void animate ()
 is being called to process animation-steps when animation is active. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow
void setSampleDist (float)
 sets the sample distance
void setUseTf (bool)
 toggles between use of transferfunction or not

Private Member Functions

void createFBO (GLuint *, GLuint *)
 creates a FBO and stores the IDs of the FBO and the Texture in the given params
void renderVolumeBox ()
 renders the Colorcube in the active bound FBO
void renderSlicing ()
 renders one frame of the Slicing-Rendering
void renderVolume ()
 renders one frame of the Volume-Rendering
void animateSlicing ()
 calculates the animation for the Slicing-Rendering
void animateVolume ()
 calculates the animation for the Volume-Rendering
void checkGLFeatures ()
 checks if all OpenGL features are present on this hardware neede to to Volume-Rendering as implemented hiere

Static Private Member Functions

static GLuint createProgram (const std::string &, const std::string &)
 creates a Shader-Program out of two given files: the vertexprogram and the fragmentprogram
static GLint queryUniformLoc (GLint, const GLchar *)
 queries and returns uniform locations
static bool readShaderSource (const std::string &, std::string &)
 reads text from a file to load shader sourcefiles

Private Attributes

 the active volume instance, 0 when nothing loaded
bool animationFlag
 true when animation is activated, false otherwise
int renderMode
 0 for Slicing-Rendering, 1 for Volume-Rendering
float rotationAngles [3]
 stores the rotation angles of each axes
int axisIndex
 the index of the axis which is about to be changed (either through animation or manually through setAxisCoord)
float axisCoord
 stores the axisCoord during Slicing-Rendering between 0 and 1 (which in fact maps directly to the 3D texturecoordinate of the selected Axis: axisIndex)
bool increaseSlice
 true when the axisCoord should be increased during animation, false when it should be decreased during animatino
float sampleDist
 the sampledistance between each point of the volume shader
bool useTransferfunction
 a flag wheter to use a transferfunction or not
double loopFactor
 the factor how long the last rendering step took
GLuint width
 width of the viewport
GLuint height
 height of the viewport
GLuint transferTexture
 OpenGL-ID of the Transferfunction-Texture.
GLuint volumeTexture
 OpenGL-ID of the Volume-Texture.
GLuint frontTexture
 OpenGL-ID of the Frontfaces-Texture (rendered by using FBO).
GLuint backTexture
 OpenGL-ID of the Backfaces-Texture (rendered by using FBO).
GLuint frontFBO
 OpenGL-ID of the Frontfaces-Rendering FBO.
GLuint backFBO
 OpenGL-ID of the Backfaces-Rendering FBO.
GLuint slicingProgram
 OpenGL-ID of the Shaderprogram used for Slicing-Rendering.
GLuint volumeProgram
 OpenGL-ID of the Shaderprogram used for Volume-Rendering.
GLuint slicingProgramMit
GLuint volumeProgramMit
GLint volumeSlicingTextureLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the Slicing-Rendering Shader.
GLint volumeSlicingTransferLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Transferfunction-Texture in the Slicing-Rendering Shader.
GLint transferTextureLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Transferfunction-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint volumeTextureLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint frontTextureLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Frontfaces-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint backTextureLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Backfaces-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint lightVecLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Lightdirection in the Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint sampleDistLocation
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the SampleDirection in the Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint volumeSlicingTextureLocationMit
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the MIT Slicing-Rendering Shader.
GLint transferTextureLocationMit
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Transferfunction-Texture in the MIT Slicing-Rendering Shader.
GLint volumeTextureLocationMit
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint frontTextureLocationMit
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Frontfaces-Texture in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint backTextureLocationMit
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Backfaces-Texture in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.
GLint sampleDistLocationMit
 OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the SampleDirection in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.


class  TFPoint
class  TransferFunction

Detailed Description

rendering pipeline both for the Slicing-Rendering and Volume-Rendering of the Volumes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Renderer::Renderer (  ) 

one must not directly instantiate the Renderer, VolumeRendering will provide an instance

Renderer::~Renderer (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

bool Renderer::loadVolume ( const std::string &  fileName  ) 

loads a Volume from the given filename and sets it as active to be rendered

void Renderer::setTransferFunction ( TransferFunction tf  ) 

sets a Transferfunction to be used by the rendering

void Renderer::setAnimate ( bool  flag  ) 

toggles between animated or still image rendering (animated is default)

void Renderer::switchRenderMode ( int  mode  ) 

toggles between rendermode: 0 means Slicing-Rendering, 1 means Volume-Rendering

void Renderer::switchAxis ( int  axis  ) 

selects the axis to be manipulated: 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z

void Renderer::setAxisCoord ( float  coord  ) 

changes the axis coordinate

void Renderer::initGL (  ) 

is being called to initalize the Renderer. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow

void Renderer::resizeGL ( int  w,
int  h 

is being called to to resize the Viewport. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow

void Renderer::paintGL (  ) 

is being called regulary to keep up the Rendering-Loop. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow

void Renderer::animate (  ) 

is being called to process animation-steps when animation is active. MUST NOT BE CALLED, is done by RenderWindow

void Renderer::setSampleDist ( float  in_sampleDist  ) 

sets the sample distance

void Renderer::setUseTf ( bool  useTf  ) 

toggles between use of transferfunction or not

void Renderer::createFBO ( GLuint *  texID,
GLuint *  fboID 
) [private]

creates a FBO and stores the IDs of the FBO and the Texture in the given params

void Renderer::renderVolumeBox (  )  [private]

renders the Colorcube in the active bound FBO

void Renderer::renderSlicing (  )  [private]

renders one frame of the Slicing-Rendering

void Renderer::renderVolume (  )  [private]

renders one frame of the Volume-Rendering

void Renderer::animateSlicing (  )  [private]

calculates the animation for the Slicing-Rendering

void Renderer::animateVolume (  )  [private]

calculates the animation for the Volume-Rendering

void Renderer::checkGLFeatures (  )  [private]

checks if all OpenGL features are present on this hardware neede to to Volume-Rendering as implemented hiere

static GLuint Renderer::createProgram ( const std::string &  ,
const std::string &   
) [static, private]

creates a Shader-Program out of two given files: the vertexprogram and the fragmentprogram

GLint Renderer::queryUniformLoc ( GLint  prog,
const GLchar *  name 
) [static, private]

queries and returns uniform locations

static bool Renderer::readShaderSource ( const std::string &  ,
std::string &   
) [static, private]

reads text from a file to load shader sourcefiles

Member Data Documentation

the active volume instance, 0 when nothing loaded

bool Renderer::animationFlag [private]

true when animation is activated, false otherwise

int Renderer::renderMode [private]

0 for Slicing-Rendering, 1 for Volume-Rendering

float Renderer::rotationAngles[3] [private]

stores the rotation angles of each axes

int Renderer::axisIndex [private]

the index of the axis which is about to be changed (either through animation or manually through setAxisCoord)

float Renderer::axisCoord [private]

stores the axisCoord during Slicing-Rendering between 0 and 1 (which in fact maps directly to the 3D texturecoordinate of the selected Axis: axisIndex)

bool Renderer::increaseSlice [private]

true when the axisCoord should be increased during animation, false when it should be decreased during animatino

float Renderer::sampleDist [private]

the sampledistance between each point of the volume shader

a flag wheter to use a transferfunction or not

double Renderer::loopFactor [private]

the factor how long the last rendering step took

GLuint Renderer::width [private]

width of the viewport

GLuint Renderer::height [private]

height of the viewport

GLuint Renderer::transferTexture [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Transferfunction-Texture.

GLuint Renderer::volumeTexture [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Volume-Texture.

GLuint Renderer::frontTexture [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Frontfaces-Texture (rendered by using FBO).

GLuint Renderer::backTexture [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Backfaces-Texture (rendered by using FBO).

GLuint Renderer::frontFBO [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Frontfaces-Rendering FBO.

GLuint Renderer::backFBO [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Backfaces-Rendering FBO.

GLuint Renderer::slicingProgram [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Shaderprogram used for Slicing-Rendering.

GLuint Renderer::volumeProgram [private]

OpenGL-ID of the Shaderprogram used for Volume-Rendering.

GLuint Renderer::slicingProgramMit [private]

GLuint Renderer::volumeProgramMit [private]

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the Slicing-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Transferfunction-Texture in the Slicing-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Transferfunction-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Frontfaces-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Backfaces-Texture in the Volume-Rendering Shader.

GLint Renderer::lightVecLocation [private]

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Lightdirection in the Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the SampleDirection in the Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the MIT Slicing-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Transferfunction-Texture in the MIT Slicing-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Volume-Texture in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Frontfaces-Texture in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the Backfaces-Texture in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.

OpenGL-ID of the uniform location of the SampleDirection in the MIT Volume-Rendering Shader.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Dec 8 21:57:03 2009 for VolumeRendering by  doxygen 1.5.5