The Texture type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDepth
Gets the depth of the volume in pixels.
Public propertyDisposed
Gets whether this object was disposed.
(Inherited from GLObject.)
Public propertyError
Gets or sets (protected) the last GL error that occured (or NoError) while working with this object.
(Inherited from GLObject.)
Public propertyHandle
Gets or sets (protected) the bandle to the (primary) GL resource encapsulated by this object.
(Inherited from GLObject.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets the height of the volume in pixels.
Public propertyPixelFormat
Gets the pixel format used for storing the pixels.
Public propertyPixelInternalFormat
Gets the pixel internal format used for storing the pixels.
Public propertyPixelType
Gets the pixel type.
Public propertyType
Gets the type of this texture.
Public propertyWidth
Gets the width of the volume in pixels.

See Also