InfoVis File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
GLUTCallbackFunctions.cpp [code]This file contains all important callback functions for the GLUT and GLUI events
GLUTCallbackFunctions.h [code]This file contains the declarations of all important callback functions for the GLUT and GLUI events
Graph.cpp [code]Contains the implementation of the methods of the class Graph
Graph.h [code]Contains the class, method and member variable declarations for a Graph
main.cpp [code]
main.h [code]
Node.cpp [code]
Node.h [code]Contains declaration of class, methods and member variables, which are used to model a node of a graph
NodeAnimation.cpp [code]Contains the implementation of node's animation methods
NodeAnimation.h [code]
RadialLayout.cpp [code]
RadialLayout.h [code]Contains declaration of class, methods and member variables, which are used to handle radial layout issues
RenderingHandler.cpp [code]
RenderingHandler.h [code]Contains the function and variable declarations for the drawing window
Vector3D.h [code]Contains the declaration of a 3-D vector
WindowHandler.cpp [code]
WindowHandler.h [code]Contains the function and variable declarations for the drawing window

Generated on Mon Jun 14 12:48:56 2004 for InfoVis by doxygen 1.3.7