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 Colloquy Cycle WS 2006/2007

Current Schedule

In the winter term of 2006/2007 the following talks will be organized by our Institute. The talks are partially financed by the "Arbeitskreis Graphische Datenverarbeitung" of the OCG (Austrian Computer Society)

Date SpeakerTitleTimeLocation
20.10.2006 Torsten Möller
(Simon Fraser University, Canada)
A Spectral Analysis of Function Composition and Its Implications for Sampling in Direct Volume Visualization 10:00Seminarroom 186/2, Favoritenstraße 9,
5. Stock
20.10.2006 Klaus Müller
(State University of New York at Stony Brook)
Volumetric Datasets: Conception and An Enriched Life 11:00Seminarroom 186/2, Favoritenstraße 9,
5. Stock
10.11.2006 Jean Pierre Charalambos
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Coherent Hierarchical Level of detail (HLOD)
Refinement Through Hardware Occlusion Queries
10:30Seminarroom 186/2, Favoritenstraße 9,
5. Stock
24.11.2006 Philip Willis
(University of Bath)
Projective Alpha Colour and its Application 10:30Seminarroom 186/2, Favoritenstraße 9,
5. Stock
12.1.2007 Sergi Grau
(University of Barcelona)
Temporal coherence in rendering time-varying volume data 10:30Seminarroom 186/2, Favoritenstraße 9,
5. Stock
2.2.2007 Dr. Renate Sitte
(Griffith University)
Challenges in Mems Virtual Prototyping 10:30Seminarroom 186/2, Favoritenstraße 9,
5. Stock

Previous Schedules

A Spectral Analysis of Function Composition and Its Implications for Sampling in Direct Volume Visualization

Torsten Möller, Simon Fraser University

In this talk we investigate the effects of function composition in the form g(f(x)) = h(x) by means of a spectral analysis of h. We decompose the spectral description of h(x) into a scalar product of the spectral description of g(x) and a term that solely depends on f(x) and that is independent of g(x). We then use the method of stationary phase to derive the essential maximum frequency of g(f(x)) bounding the main portion of the energy of its spectrum. This limit is the product of the maximum frequency of g(x) and the maximum derivative of f(x). This leads to a proper sampling of the composition h of the two functions g and f. We apply our theoretical results to a fundamental open problem in volume rendering -- the proper sampling of the rendering integral after the application of a transfer function.

Volumetric Datasets: Conception and An Enriched Life

Klaus Müller, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Fully 3D datasets have become ubiquitous in a wide range of disciplines, such as science, engineering, medicine, and even entertainment. There is a vast demand to efficiently create these data, as well as fuse, relate, and visualize them. In this talk I will report on our efforts in all of these domains. First I will discuss techniques that utilize GPUs for rapid tomographic volume reconstruction and even direct volume visualization from X-ray projection data. Then I will describe our Magic Volume Lens framework which fuses and augments different types of volumetric data at different scales into one composite representation, providing a variety of zoom lenses for focus+context GPU-accelerated viewing with semantic context.

Coherent Hierarchical Level of detail (HLOD)
Refinement Through Hardware Occlusion Queries

Jean Pierre Charalambos, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

We present a coherent hierarchical level of detail (HLOD) culling algorithm that employs a novel metric to perform the refinement of a HLOD-based system that takes into account visibility information. The information is gathered from the result of a hardware occlusion query (HOQ) performed on the bounding volume of a given node in the hierarchy. Although the advantages of doing this are clear, previous approaches treat refinement criteria and HOQ as independent subjects. For this reason, HOQs have been used restrictively as if their result were boolean. In contrast to that, we fully exploit the results of the queries to be able to take into account visibility information within refinement conditions. We do this by interpreting the result of a given HOQ as the virtual resolution of a screen space where the refinement decision takes place. In order to be able to use our proposed metric to perform the refinement of the HLOD hierarchy as well as to schedule HOQs, we exploit the spatial and temporal coherence inherent to hierarchical representations. Despite the simplicity of our approach, in our experiments we obtained a substantial performance boost (compared to previous approaches) in the frame-rate with minimal loss in image quality.

Projective Alpha Colour and its Application

Philip Willis, University of Bath

Image compositing is combining two or more images by overlaying them. For this to be meaningful, some of the image areas need to be less than perfectly opaque, so the rearmost images can be seen. When Porter and Duff wrote their 1984 paper on Image Compositing, they used a four channel colour model (r,g,b,a). The extra channel, called alpha, represented the opacity of the colour (r,g,b). We have recently shown that this is mathematically a projective space, which extends the range of use of the alpha colour model, including to applications beyond compositing. This published work will be described. We also have some very recent unpublished results and these too will be presented.

Temporal coherence in rendering time-varying volume data

Sergi Grau, University of Barcelona

This presentation introduces myself and explains briefly which are my research activities

Challenges in Mems Virtual Prototyping

Dr. Renate Sitte, Griffith University


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