Flow Visualisation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CFileServiceStatic class that provides a helper function to obtain bundle file name
 CDistanceMapDiscrete distance map
 CFlowArrowThe graphical representation of an Arrow Creates and manages position, movement and lifetime of an arrow
 CFlowControlCreates and Controls the time dependened vector field
 CFlowFieldRepresents a 2D vector field The vectors are stored inside two
 CFlowVectorRepresents a 2D flow vector
 CTimeFieldRepresents a timebased vector filed The vector fields are stored as
 C_compute_log2< detail::float_or_int_value::GLM_FLOAT >
 C_compute_log2< detail::float_or_int_value::GLM_INT >
 C_swizzle_base1< T, V, E0, E1, E2, E3, 4 >
 C_swizzle_base1< T, V, E0, E1, E2,-1, 3 >
 C_swizzle_base1< T, V, E0, E1,-1,-2, 2 >
 C_swizzle_base2< ValueType, VecType, N, E0, E1, E2, E3, 1 >
 CAbs_< genFIType, false >
 CAbs_< genFIType, true >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< float16 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< float32 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< float64 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< int16 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< int32 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< int64 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< int8 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< uint16 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< uint32 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< uint64 >
 Cfloat_or_int_trait< uint8 >
 CIf< false >
 Cis_bool< bool >
 CVertexGeometryStores all model information
 CCameraSimpel parallel projecting camera
 CGeometryRepresents a 3D Object in OpenGL
 CISceneGraphPartRepresents part of the SceneGraph
 CSceneContextRepresents the current state of rendering
 CShaderOpenGL shader class
 CTextureRepresents OpenGL texture
 CUniformRepresents a shader uniform and allows setting of variables
 CAnimationStruct to store relevant information for arrow animations
 CIRendererAbstract renderer class
 CMoveAnimationAdditional information for movement animations
 CSDLRendererOpenGL / SDL Renderer
 CTransparencyAnimationAdditional information for transparency animations