Flow Visualisation
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 GTC Extensions (Stable)Functions and types that the GLSL specification doesn't define, but useful to have for a C++ program
 GLM_GTC_constantsAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTC_epsilonComparison functions for a user defined epsilon values
 GLM_GTC_matrix_transformDefines functions that generate common transformation matrices
 GLM_GTC_quaternionDefines a templated quaternion type and several quaternion operations
 GLM_GTC_randomGenerate random number from various distribution methods
 GLM_GTC_reciprocalDefine secant, cosecant and cotangent functions
 GLM_GTC_swizzleProvide functions to emulate GLSL swizzle operator fonctionalities
 GLM_GTC_type_precisionDefines specific C++-based precision types
 GLM_GTC_type_ptrHandles the interaction between pointers and vector, matrix types
 GLM_GTC_ulpAllow the measurement of the accuracy of a function against a reference implementation. This extension works on floating-point data and provide results in ULP. <glm/gtc/ulp.hpp> need to be included to use these features
 GTX Extensions (Experimental)Functions and types that the GLSL specification doesn't define, but useful to have for a C++ program
 GLM_GTX_associated_min_maxMin and max functions that return associated values not the compared onces. <glm/gtx/associated_min_max.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities
 GLM_GTX_bitAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTX_closest_pointFind the point on a straight line which is the closet of a point
 GLM_GTX_color_castConversion between two color types
 GLM_GTX_color_spaceRelated to RGB to HSV conversions and operations
 GLM_GTX_color_space_YCoCgRGB to YCoCg conversions and operations
 GLM_GTX_compatibilityProvide functions to increase the compatibility with Cg and HLSL languages
 GLM_GTX_component_wiseOperations between components of a type
 GLM_GTX_euler_anglesBuild matrices from Euler angles
 GLM_GTX_extendExtend a position from a source to a position at a defined length
 GLM_GTX_fast_exponentialFast but less accurate implementations of exponential based functions
 GLM_GTX_fast_square_rootFast but less accurate implementations of square root based functions
 GLM_GTX_fast_trigonometryFast but less accurate implementations of trigonometric functions
 GLM_GTX_gradient_paintFunctions that return the color of procedural gradient for specific coordinates. <glm/gtx/gradient_paint.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities
 GLM_GTX_handed_coordinate_spaceTo know if a set of three basis vectors defines a right or left-handed coordinate system
 GLM_GTX_inertiaCreate inertia matrices
 GLM_GTX_int_10_10_10_2Pack vector to 1010102 integers. Storage only
 GLM_GTX_integerAdd support for integer for core functions
 GLM_GTX_intersectAdd intersection functions
 GLM_GTX_log_baseLogarithm for any base. base can be a vector or a scalar
 GLM_GTX_matrix_cross_productBuild cross product matrices
 GLM_GTX_matrix_interpolationAllows to directly interpolate two exiciting matrices
 GLM_GTX_matrix_major_storageBuild matrices with specific matrix order, row or column
 GLM_GTX_matrix_operationBuild diagonal matrices from vectors
 GLM_GTX_matrix_queryQuery to evaluate matrix properties
 GLM_GTX_mixed_producteMixed product of 3 vectors
 GLM_GTX_multipleFind the closest number of a number multiple of other number
 GLM_GTX_normVarious ways to compute vector norms
 GLM_GTX_normalCompute the normal of a triangle
 GLM_GTX_normalize_dotDot product of vectors that need to be normalize with a single square root
 GLM_GTX_number_precisionDefined size types
 GLM_GTX_ocl_typeOpenCL types
 GLM_GTX_optimum_powInteger exponentiation of power functions
 GLM_GTX_orthonormalizeOrthonormalize matrices
 GLM_GTX_perpendicularPerpendicular of a vector from other one
 GLM_GTX_polar_coordinatesConversion from Euclidean space to polar space and revert
 GLM_GTX_projectionProjection of a vector to other one
 GLM_GTX_quaternionExtented quaternion types and functions
 GLM_GTX_raw_dataProjection of a vector to other one
 GLM_GTX_rotate_vectorFunction to directly rotate a vector
 GLM_GTX_simd_mat4SIMD implementation of mat4 type
 GLM_GTX_simd_vec4SIMD implementation of vec4 type
 GLM_GTX_splineSpline functions
 GLM_GTX_std_based_typeAdds vector types based on STL value types. <glm/gtx/std_based_type.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities
 GLM_GTX_string_castSetup strings for GLM type values
 GLM_GTX_transformAdd transformation matrices
 GLM_GTX_transform2Add extra transformation matrices
 GLM_GTX_vec1Add vec1, ivec1, uvec1 and bvec1 types. <glm/gtx/vec1.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities
 GLM_GTX_vector_accessFunction to set values to vectors
 GLM_GTX_vector_angleCompute angle between vectors
 GLM_GTX_vector_queryQuery informations of vector types
 GLM_GTX_verbose_operatorUse words to replace operators
 GLM_GTX_wrapWrapping mode of texture coordinates
 VIRTREV ExtensionsExtensions develop and maintain by Mathieu [matrem] Roumillac (http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showprofile&User=22660)
 GLM_VIRTREV_xstream: xml like outputStreaming vector and matrix in a xml way
 GLM CoreThe core of GLM, which implements exactly and only the GLSL specification to the degree possible
 Common functions
 Exponential functions
 Geometric functions
 Integer functions
 Matrix functions
 Noise functions
 Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions
 Angle and Trigonometry Functions
 Vector Relational Functions
 TypesThe standard types defined by the specification
 Precision typesNon-GLSL types that are used to define precision-based types
 Template typesThe generic template types used as the basis for the core types