For more information about diploma theses, projects, and bachelor theses please see the respective pages - this page just lists topics for these projects.
The best way to obtain a topic for a Computer Science Project, a Bachelor Thesis or a Diploma Thesis is to contact the supervisor of one of the topics listed below by email. For other topics, contact the heads of the main research directions best fitting your interest listed in the following.
The Computer Science Projects may also be completed in cooperation with a company. Such external projects have to conform to a number of guidelines: Guidelines Projects, Guidelines Diploma Theses.
Stay up-to-date with new topics by subscribing to the RSS-Feed.
Main research directions
- Visualization (contact: Manuela Waldner, Renata Raidou, or Eduard Gröller)
Visualisierung im Allgemeinen, im Speziellen: Volumenvisualisierung, Informationsvisualisierung, Visual Analytics, Illustrative Visualisierung, Medizinische Visualisierung. - Rendering and Modeling (contact: Michael Wimmer)
Real-Time Rendering, Urban Visualization, Procedural Modeling, Point-Based Reconstruction, Modeling and Rendering, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Perceptual Studies using Eye Tracking, ... - Other topics
Topics not fitting in one of these three main research directions. - VRVis
Außerdem gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, Praktika, Bachelorarbeiten und Diplomarbeiten am Forschungszentrum VRVis zu absolvieren.
PR = Praktikum, BA = Bachelorarbeit, DA = Diplomarbeit,
PR/BA/DA = Praktikum, Bachelorarbeit oder Diplomarbeit, der Arbeitsumfang wird entsprechend angepasst.
Rendering and Modeling
- BA, PR, DA; 1-4 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR; 1-3 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- BA, PR, DA;
- BA, PR, DA;
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- PR; ∞ persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1 person
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- PR, DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- PR, DA; 1 person
- PR; 1 person
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- PR, DA; 1 person
- BA, PR, DA; 1 person
- BA, PR, DA; 1-4 persons
Visualization Group
- DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- BA, PR; 1 person
- BA, PR; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- DA;
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- BA, PR, DA; 1-2 persons
- DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- BA, DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- DA; 1 person
- BA, DA;
- BA, DA;
- BA, PR, DA; 1-3 persons
- PR, DA; 1-2 persons